Howdy....My name is dickee Webb. Now, ever' now and then, somebody will call me David or dl, but folks 'round here mostly calls me dickee. An' if y'ur a-wonderin' where that name come from - well sir, so am I....An' Lord knows, it ain't what you thank!!!!....

......dickee's golden rule......

....tearin' down my neighbor's outhouse ain't gonna make mine smell no better...... ....It's in the Bible - Look it up....

....Now, I was born on a little farm in Sandy Ridge, Arkansas on Christmas night in 19---.....Well, I cain't 'zactly 'member the year - nor my age....I'll just tell you that I'm somewheres 'tween 29 and expiration....An' when you get to gawkin' at them there pictures I done hung up in here, well sir, you gonna know that if I claim to be 29 - - well I'd be a'stretchin' my blanket just a little bit.....

....mash this here to get it....

...dickee's doodlin's...:
...things I hate talkin' about...: