You have arrived at this page because
you were attempting to reach
one of the following Millersville University websites:

Caribbean Coastal Studies (CCS)

Environmental Hazards and Emergency Management (EHEM)

Ben Oostdam's Home Page (BLO)

To my regret, a recent MU policy does not allow me (Ben Oostdam)
to maintain these accounts at the MU Marauder computer after my

Because of the sudden closure and the size of the websites, it will
take a while to reorganize. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you need a
specific file, or have any questions or comments, please send me an
E-mail message at:


My personal website, including resume and index, is available at:

Ben Oostdam's Website

and please press here for a temporary link to ESRA.

Dec.29, 1998:
After a long wait, I got all files from my(?) three MU Websites back,
comprising six ZIP-Disks. I have started redistributing and reworking
them and will report on the progress and the new links in

notice #2

My apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!

Ben Oostdam, Ph.D.,
Emeritus Professor of Oceanography

P.S. You may use your BACK button to return where you came from.