Welcome to Joyce's Web Kingdom!!

Welcome to my Web Kingdom. As a proud mother of three and grandmother of three I'd like to present my family to the web surfers of the world. Unfortunately, all I have right now is a picture of the three best grandkids in the entire universe. Sometime, in the not too distant future, I'll have pictures here of my kids.

There isn't much here now, but like all web pages, this one will continue to grow and evolve over time (as I feed more info to my extremely competent, grossly underpaid, highly overworked web developer). I hope you enjoy your visit here and that you'll come back. Thanks!!

Here are my grandkids...

The 3 best grandkids on the entire universe!!  Ben, Connor and Kevin

email me!

Email me!!

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This page first came to life on Christmas Day, 1997.
Created and maintained by BessieBee Productions.

...The End...