aBoyCalledSpite broke sometime in June 1999. We had kinda been dead in the water for about a year so we took action in the name of rock. Three of us, along with Steve-o from Splurge, are in a new band called EXPLOSIVO. The new band has a site up at http://explosivo.ex-punk.com/. Meanwhile... this site will stay up as a memorial. All four of us thank every single person who ever took the time to be rad and help us out with rock music in any way. We thank you more than words can say. Bye bye.
The server that the explosivo page was on suddenly dropped off the face of the earth so we had to
move the entire page to a new address:
http://explosivo.ex-punk.com/. We have a new
explosivo rock n' roll mailing list that you can sign up for at the site.
6 song Exlposivo CDep will be sent to the plant at the end of this month! It'll be out soon.
Lots of good stuff is going on as far as explosivo is concerned. We are playing a show on December 26th at the Commack AMF Bowling Alley. It will be a benefit show for Helena Terr (a L.I. mother diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis). Please come show some support if you can. It is for a good cause and there will be lots of good rock bands. More info in the shows section. Explosivo is planning on releasing the 6 songs we recorded on a CDep tentatively titled "The Uh-Oh ep" and we're still sorting out the details of what label, if any, to get to help us. You can hear MP3 and RealAudio soundclips of some of those new songs at our webpage >> http://explosivo.ex-punk.com/. That is all. Thanks to everyone who has been kind to the new band so far.
Explosivo just got back from Pennsylvania where we recorded 6 new songs at Creep Studios! You should probably go here to check out all the cool stuff that is going on. Awsome.
Hey. Please come check out our new rock at some upcoming shows. We promise to try our hardest.
Jay, Dean, and me (Beaker) have unleashed a new force of rock called EXPLOSIVO on the unsuspecting public. Me and Jay do the same shit we did in aBoyCalledSpite. Dean now plays the bass. Our new drummer is the one and only Steve-o (yes yes... the very same Steve-o who was a founding member of the legendary band Splurge). Holy lord. The rock flows forth like a river of molten lava. There is nowhere to hide. A three song demo will be out soon. Our webpage will be located at http://www.kyd.net/explosivo. We will be playing shows soon. Thanks again to everyone who's ever given us a hand. I'm sending out all the backlogged orders for demos and CD comps quite soon. Zownds!
The band is dead. No more rock.
what it is, kids?this is the unholy jay. beaker is taking a big crap, so I am updating the page for him. well first off, i feel the need to tell everyone that the Murder city devils are the best rock band ever.next, sorry to Charlie Vance for fucking him over with the shows he was rad enough to hook us up with,but we're going through some rough times,we owe you big time.I guess that's all for now.see you in hell, suckers.
Good God!!! My hard drive has been formatted! Everything's gone. For some reason my computer just decided to fuck up a couple days ago and now everything is all crazy. I've lost every email I've ever sent or recieved so please... anyone who's sent me emails in the past couple days send them again so I know what's up. I am typing this from a lab right now but I should have email back shortly. I know that a few emails about free demo tapes have been totally lost. I never wrote down the information for the last few people who emailed me about getting merchandise and now I have no way of recovering that shite so please email me again. I am very very sorry about all this. Thanks.
I put some much needed sound clips of some of our new songs up. They were recorded live. They rock. There's some new art and logo stuff scattered around. All that was done by Jay. Also we have recieved our copies of "Invasion From The East Coast", which is a pretty cool comp we're on! Check out the merch page where you can order it for dirt cheap. Come see us at some of our upcoming shows too. We'll love you (make love to you) for it.
Sorry about the lack of updates lately. I just posted some new photographs of us. Also, we are finishing our new recording over the first few weeks of March! Look for new sound clips and shows and a ton of compilation releases.
aBoyCalledSpite is gonna start rockin' out live again so I added a shows page to keep you posted. Come check us out if you can and if you have a show we can play email me about it. Also added a merchandise page where you'll soon be able to get ordering info on all of our outrageous products.
Aha! Got some new sound clips up finally. One of the two new songs that are posted, Jerk, is a crazy cover of a really old Splurge song. Mint.
Changed the look of the page's frames version slightly. Also added new lyrics and links.
Splurge is really really good.
A bit of new stuff is up here and there. Our phone numbers are up on the contact page in case you wanted to stalk us. Some silly new links are up too. Also, I promise to send out free shite soon to all those people who have been waiting for a while. Please excuse my slow rudeness. New sound clips are coming after Christmas!
New Music! Yes, it is true. We are putting out some good shite soon. Look for a new four song 7" entitled "The Body Politic" and also one song on the new Unified Records compilation "Invasion from the East Coast". Find out more on our releases page.
The new page is finally done. It sucks a lot less than the first one. Everything's new. Just sit back and enjoy.
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