An Infoview, as published in the EDXP magazine No, 258, June 17, 200
By Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia

This is a new, innovative Australian-sourced product offered as a CD, compiled by John Batty, in Queensland, through "Caradoc Enterprises".

The CD contains a vast amount of information concerning global radio broadcasting, and could be likened to an "electronic DXing compendium", and includes contributions from Ian Julian, Allen Inderwisch, Jem Cullen, and the John Batty himself.

On the disk you will find these features:

Almost 600 MP3 sound files of 

- military broadcasters (316 files)
- "pirate" and free-radio stations on shortwave (89 files)
- lowband VHF signals (120 files)
- utility stations (127 files)
- government stations
- spacecraft signals (32 files)
- satellite signals (including the first Sputnik!)
- international broadcasters
- identification signals and announcements of international broadcasters

Full colour high resolution pictures of QSLs issued by many of the stations on the disk

Over 40 articles, stories and features written by expert hobbyists about equipment, antennas, reception reporting and QSLing

Topical, illustrated articles about radio propagation, the ionosphere, and solar activity

Reviews of communication receivers and other gear, including

- a detailed assessment of the Radio Shack DX394 receiver
- an evaluation of the Sangean 803A receiver

Comprehensive articles about global monitoring, which will be of benefit to new, established monitors, or "old-hands" alike

Frequency lists for police services and other government agencies

Details of free radio and "pirate" radio transmission schedules

Throughout the disk, links to many Web sites and E-mail addresses are shown, and if the user is "on line", direct access to those links can be made immediately, or the data can be saved on your system for later retrieval.

You may download, save on your HD, or print anything which is on the disk!

The product will be of topical application to anyone with an interest in global radio broadcasting, particularly for general-communications and utility monitoring areas. Many of the audio clips are of significant historical interest, and the CD will assist in their preservation for the duration of existing technology!

The CD requires a PC, Windows 9X, and an Internet Browser, and price is A$30, plus GST and postage and packing. Volume One has proven very popular; a Second Edition is in the course of preparation, and John seeks input from monitors
who are able to submit additional audio clips and other information. An enormous amount of effort has gone into this work, and full credit to John for his meticulous attention to the extraordinary level of detail contained in the product.

For further information and ordering information, please visit 


The Web site has extensive additional information about the product and links to various organisations (including EDXP); the "Radio Bookshop" sub-site will be of interest.