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Recommended Attachment Parenting Childrens Books

I am proud to announce that BF & AP Twins is now an associate with All of the books you see here I personally own, and highly recommend. Please feel free to look around and see if there are any books that might interest you. If you see one that you like, all you need to do is click on the book cover, and you will go right to the books page at Enjoy!

Wonderful Childrens Books with AP Themes.

If you have an older child, and are expecticting, or already have young twins, this is the book for you. This book has beautiful illustrations that depict the entire family nestled in bed together. In the begining of the book, the older child is unsure she is pleased to have twin sisters. By the end of the book she is sleeping inbetween them thinking how wonderful it is that she has twin sisters. "They are so soft, on either side of me. I think if there was only one, I'd feel lopsided."
This book gets my highest ratting of TTTTT's!

We Like to Nurse is a sweet book that shows many baby animals nursing. When My daughter was little, this was a favorite!
This book gets TTTT's.

This is our family's absolute favorite book! The illustrations are full of soft, beautiful colors. Everyone in the family starts out in their own beds, by morning the entire family is cuddled in the "big" bed. My favorite excepts are, "One by one the cuddlers come, climbing over, making room..." They all look like they will fall out of the bed, but they don't. They are, "held there by dreams of carousels and sea breezes." If you don't get any other books here, and you share sleep with your children, you must get this book.
This book gets my highest rating of TTTTT's!!

Happy Birth Day tells the story of how a baby was born, and was so loved by everyone. There is a wonderful illustration of a mother nursing her newborn, and the last page shows Mommy, Daddy and baby nestled together and falling asleep. This book is a favorite for us because it always invites a nice story about the day that my daughter was born.
This Book get TTTT's.

This is very sweet book! Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Nut Brown Hare play the "Guess How Much I Love You?" game. Kaitlyn loves it because we always play our own version of the game when we are done reading.
This book gets TTTT's.

The Napping House ia a fun story about everyone piling onto the same bed to nap, until a wakeful flea comes along.
This book gets TTTT's.
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