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Robert Watson, up to bat

Margaret & Derek Vigil practicing! Watch out!

Ralph Garcia holding Anthony Dinkel

Wives & Kids (Jennifer Dinkel, the Sparks', Stacy German, Christy Takacs...

The Trimmer Family - Mark, Paula and Nicholas

Li'l Trimmer - is he cute or what?

James Armijo holding Caleigh Sparks

Barbeque at the Vigils (Look, it's Ray Salazar! His wife Nancy is so nice!)

A Man and his Grill (Hank Vigil)

A   Good   Time   Was   Had   By   All

In April, 1998 the LXA alumni from NMSU that live in Albuquerque (and some from further away!) got together at the West Mesa Park and played softball.

The Old House just barely beat the New House, but a great time was had by all. I really enjoyed meeting new people and catching up with old friends. After the game and liberal quantities of beer, everyone split up to go to a couple of parties that were going on.

We 'Old House' members went to Hank and Margaret Vigil's for a great barbeque! I met Ray Salazar's wife Nancy and their son Nicolas and got to talk with a lot of people I hadn't seen in a long time. The kids enjoyed tearing up Hank and Margaret's yard... We really need to get together like this again!


Email Randy & Brenda at
