Leave a message for everyone to read - it is a great way to post news!!
Or, visit the ZGZ Lambdachi Forum on Delphi to post news, converse, and otherwise utilize this miracle of technology that I don't have to get on to update your news.
Some background...
Every few months or so, a group of Lambda Chi Alumni get together in Albuquerque. These guys have been friends for 10 years and more, sharing a bond of brotherhood that far surpasses most I've seen. Ralph Garcia, a.k.a. 'Gladys' is usually responsible for these gatherings. Sometimes they meet at Sadie's, sometimes at Billy's Long Bar, sometimes at Garduno's.
In 1997 someone mentioned that it would be a great idea to use the Internet to keep in touch - we all exchange email addresses and such, but wouldn't a homepage be great? So I decided to go with the idea.
The purpose of this page is to provide NMSU Lambda Chi Alumni with a way to get in touch with each other, keep up on what everyone else is doing, and to just plain have fun. We've connected people all over the country to each other, and even located a few alumni overseas!
We need addresses for our Mail Directory, photos, news and old stories (and whatever else you can think of). Please send suggestions to us. It may take me a while, but I will get to it!!
I hope you enjoy this page!.
The Old Guys.. |
The New Guys.. |
Visit The Adventures of Mark Stueven in The Land Of Guinness! |
Visit Brother Lance Maurer's |
The Lambda Chi Alpha Ring is owned and operorated by
Bryan Hermann.
Want to join the Lambda Chi Alpha Ring?
Created 8/13/97
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