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Girl Scout Ceremonies

Bridging & Awards

How To Bake A Brownie (Daisy Bridging Ceremony)

2 tables lying on their side length-wise, with a LARGE cardboard box in the middle. (try a TV dealer for this box)
On the box, cut an oven door, with a handle made from cardboard or foil.
"Old" Brownies do all the motions, and fly-up girls stay behind the tables.
You will also need 2 bowls, 1 large, and 1 small. flat baking pan, mixing spoon, measuring bowls, sifter, measuring spoons, and kitchen timer.
Current Brownies are in an open horseshoe.
1st Brownie: Let's bake something.
2nd Brownie: Yes, what can we do about it?
3rd Brownie: I know, let's make some new Brownies !
All girls - Yes, Yes, Yes
4th Brownie: let's look in our handbook for the recipe. (all pull out handbooks.)
5th Brownie: Here it is! To make Brownies, we must mix 4 basic ingredients - Promise, Law, 5 Worlds of Interest, and Brownie B's.
6th Brownie: In a large bowl, cream together 1 cup of each of a promise to serve God, my country and mankind.
7th Brownie: to this mixture add 2 cups of honesty and 4 tablespoons of cheerfulness. Mix together until well blended.
8th Brownie: stir in 1 cup of thoughtfulness.
9th Brownie: beat together 1/2 c of fairness and 1/2 c of helpfulness and add to the mixture.
10th Brownie: sprinkle over the mixture 2 tablespoons full of sisterhood of Girl Scouting and mix well.
11th Brownie: add 1 c of respect for authority and 1 c of respect for myself and others. Stir until well blended.
12th Brownie: sift together 1/2 c of wise use of resources and 6 Tbs of a promise to protect and improve the world. Stir into mixture.
13th Brownie: blend together 1/2 c of each of the following worlds: Well-Being, People, Out-Of-Doors, Arts, Today and Tomorrow.
14th Brownie: into the worlds mixture add the Brownie B's: 4 tsp discoverer, 4 tsp ready helper, 4 tsp friend maker. and add to the mixture.
15th Brownie: spread batter into the pan and bake at a moderate temperature until done.
16th brownie: (after timer rings) They're done!
(open door and new Brownies start to crawl out of the oven.) Look!! A NEW BATCH OF BROWNIES!!!

Brownie Fly-up

Brownie fly-ups tend to follow this basic flow:
Brownie troop in horseshoe on one side of bridge; receiving Junior troop on other side.
Brownie leader says a few words, then calls the girls one-by-one
Sometimes the Brownie takes off her sash/vest and gives to Brownie leader who gives the girl a flower
Brownie starts across the bridge, stops at apex to say something:
Make a wish for the world and dropped 'wishing dust' into the 'well'
Stated what she is looking foward to as Juniors
Reflect on Brownie experience
Reflect on a girl-determined theme, such as friendship
Brownie continues across the bridge and is greeted by 1 or 2 Juniors who give her a GS handshake, welcome her to Juniors, and put on her her vest/sash. Sometimes the sash is made from ribbon. All of her pins, badges, etc. are on one thing which makes the ceremony move faster than having the girls struggle with pins.
Finally, the girls all together sing some song.

Sample Brownie Fly-up, Speaking Parts
[Scouts form two horseshoes facing each other, juniors in one, brownies in the other with the bridge separating them.]
"Brownies, you are just about
To become a Junior Scout.
Next year you will find
that Junior Scouts are true and kind.
So now I give you Brownie Wings
so you may fly to bigger things."
[She pins the wings on each brownie.]
[Brownies all take a few steps forward.]

"Hello there. Who are you all dressed in brown with such cheerful smiles and not one frown?"
"We are the Brownies and we like to have fun.
Junior Scouts we'd like to become."
"By what right do you ask?"
"By the right of our wings." [Point to wings]
"We welcome you to Juniors. Please cross the bridge one at a time."
[As each girl crosses, she is met by the Junior Leader and a Junior Scout. She is given her Junior Pin and led to the Junior horseshoe by the Junior Scout.]
[After all the brownies are in the Junior horseshoe:]

"Welcome to Junior Girl Scouts
you're a Brownie nevermore.
We'll have lots of fun and lots of games
as we teach you Girl Scout lore.
[All sing, "Make New Friends"]

Daisy Bridging Ceremony (to Brownie Girl Scouts)

Each Daisy Girl Scout who is Bridging receives a Daisy.
OLDER GIRL SCOUT: These flowers represent the spirit of Girl Scouting. This spirit is often represented with the Daisy, which was our founder, Juliette Low’s, nickname.
OLDER GIRL SCOUT: The first three flowers represent the three parts of the Girl Scout Promise.
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: To help people at all times
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: And to live by the Girl Scout Law
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: I will do my best: To be honest and fair
OLDER GIRL SCOUT: This means that you will always tell the truth and that you will share things and take turns with others.
DAISY GIRL SCOUT:To be a sister to every Girl Scout OLDER GIRL SCOUT: This means that you will ask a new girl to play with you and when you see a job that needs to be done, and you can do it, you will be willing to help do it.
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: To be considerate and caring
OLDER GIRL SCOUT: This means that you will respect the feelings of others and care about how they feel and what they think.
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: To be courageous and strong
OLDER GIRL SCOUT: This means you are willing to try new things, even though you may be a little scared and that you will stand for what is right.
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: To be responsible for what I say and do.
OLDER GIRL SCOUT: This means that you will be careful about what you say and do so that you don’t hurt other people or things.
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: To respect myself and others
OLDER GIRL SCOUT: This means you will try to be the best person you can be, and will be courteous to others.
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: To respect authority
OLDER GIRL SCOUT: This means you will respect adults, obey the law and will cooperate with others.
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: To use resources wisely
OLDER GIRL SCOUT: This means you will try not to waste paper, will turn off the lights, and turn off water faucets after you use them.
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: To make the world a better place
OLDER GIRL SCOUT: This means you will help with a neighborhood clean up, put litter in trash cans, and treat all animals kindly.
DAISY GIRL SCOUT: To be a sister to every Girl Scout
OLDER GIRL SCOUT: This means you will be a kind friend to everyone, not just to a few people.

Flowers and Candles

A beautiful dedication ceremony that uses differently colored flowers and candles. All girls form a horseshoe. Each new member is presented with a candle with a daisy attached.
LEADER: The daisy is a symbol of your dedication to the Girl Scout movement, which was started by our founder, Juliette Gordon Low and began in our country on March 12, 1912. Juliette Low's nickname was Daisy. You are following in her footsteps as you become a unique and caring influence in today and tomorrow's world.
Have on a table one candle for each World of Interest color---red, orange, yellow, blue, and purple---also a white candle that is used to light other candles. (For Brownie Girl Scouts, adult members should light the candles). Members light the one white candle on the table and use it to light the others.
As each colored candle is lighted, the following is recited:
GS #1: (While lighting the red candle) The red is for the World of Well Being which helps young women understand themselves, their values, needs, emotions, and strengths, while also being aware of what it takes to be physically fit.]
GS #2: (lighting the orange candle) The orange is for the World of Today and Tomorrow, which lets a young woman look into the how and why of things, solve problems, and recognize the ways in which her present interest can build toward future ones.
GS #3: (lighting yellow candle) The yellow is for the World of the Out-of-Doors. Explorations in this world can help a young woman to appreciate her natural environment and to take actions to protect and preserve her world.
GS #4: (lighting the blue candle) The blue is for the World of People. This world can help a young woman to build pride in her heritage, while appreciating the uniqueness of each culture and the common themes of all cultures.
GS #5: (lighting the purple candle) The purple is for the World of the Arts. This world can help develop a personal appreciation for the many art forms and things of beauty in the world around us.
[After all of the candles are lighted: light the green candle saying:]
ALL: (lighting the green candle) From the light of the five worlds may your Girl Scout world ever grow.
LEADER: From the Girl Scout Worlds of Interest, take your light into the world and let it shine forth with love and knowledge.
[All the girls return to the horseshoe formation. Sing a song of your choice.]
(Excerpted from: Ceremonies in Girl Scouting---GSUSA publication)

Flags---multiple levels

Opening: Quiet Sign
[Daisy Girl Scout Flag enters, carried by a Daisy Girl Scout]
Narrator #1: "I am the Daisy Girl Scout Flag. I have watched over the Girl Scouts in blue. I have watched them become Girl Scouts and now they seek the wise old owl."
[Brownie Girl Scout Flag enter, carried by a Brownie Girl Scout.]
Narrator #2: "I am the Brownie Girl Scout Flag. I have watched over the Girl Scouts in brown. I have guided their enthusiasm for three years and now they fly from my arms."
[Girl Scout Flag enters, carried by a Junior Girl Scout.]
Narrator #3: "I am the Girl Scout Flag. I have watched over the Girl Scouts in green. For three years I have watched them grow and now they step upward to Cadette Girl Scouting."
[World Association Flag enters carried by a Cadette Girl Scout.]
Narrator #4: "I am the World Association Flag. I watch over my Girl Scouts to appreciate Girl Scouting/Girl Guiding all over the world.They have the same international spirit that made me great. I watch Cadette Girl Scouts grow to become Senior Girl Scouts. Please stand."
[United States Flag enters carried by a Senior Girl Scout.]
Narrator #5: "I am the United States Flag. I watch over Senior Girl Scouts and all Girl Scouts. I can hold my head high when I am with them. I am proud of my daughters. Girl Scouts and guests, the Flag of your country, pledge Allegiance. Color guard, post your colors. Color guard, dismissed."

Lighted Candles---Girl Scout Law

Stage is set with a microphone on left, the bridge in the center and a table with candles and another microphone on right. Girls enter from left, their name and troop number is announced, they cross the bridge, are welcomed by older scouts and give the scout sign and handshake, they then walk over to the table and pick up a candle. Each girl has a different thing to say.
"I will do my best to be fair. I light this candle for fairness".
Girl lights the candle and walks to the back of the stage.
This proceeds through all the parts of the Girl Scout Law. At the end everyone says the Girl Scout promise. If there are more girls than Law you can double them up on the reading part.

Lighted Candles---Girl Scout Promise

The girls come in from the left, are announced, and cross the bridge. Members of the receiving troop are on the other side and hand each girl an unlit candle. The girls are then escorted into a horseshoe around the sides and back of the stage.
After all girls had crossed the bridge candles are lit from the ends of the horseshoe and passed from girl to girl while singing "Whenever you make a Promise".
Have the receiving troop teach this song to all the leaders and the girls so everyone knows the song. It can be sung in 3-part rounds while the flame was being passed.
Start the flame by lighting the end candle on each row. Girls will pass the flame from one to another.
Each year the bridging ceremony marks a milestone in the lives of a Girl Scout. It is symbolic of the change of rank from one level to another. Parts of the ceremony center around the stories we have all learned as girl scouts.
There is a story about a little girl trying to learn how all the little jobs were finished - as if by magic. As the story goes a wise old owl told her she could find out who the brownie was by going to a magic pool and looking into the water. What does she see? She sees that she is the Brownie.
In our ceremony the Bridge represents the bridge by the edge of the magic pool. Each girl crosses over the Bridge, traveling from one stage of Girl Scouting to another. Each girl is greeted by an older sister Scout, where they make the Girl Scout Sign and are made welcome.
Brownie Girl Scouts receive wings when they bridge. These wings represent the growth girls have made during the previous years spend as Brownies. Just like young birds, they receive their wings and can now fly.
Juniors are most experienced. As they bridge to Cadettes they are continuing to learn and experience life together.
[As the girls name and troop number is read the girl crosses the bridge - makes the GS sign and shakes hands with a member of the receiving troop, who walks her over to stand in line and hands her a candle.]
All through Girl Scouts you have explored the World of the Arts, the World of People, the World of Today and Tomorrow, the World of Well-Being and the World of the Out-of-Doors. There are so many worlds to explore! There is the world of yourself partly known, but still full of mysteries and surprises. There is the world of other people, like you and unlike you, girls and boys, men and women, little children. There is the world of laughter and beauty and work and growing up to be a woman.
This marks a milestone in your lives as Girl Scouts and is a mark of progress for both you and your leaders. We Girl Scouts in our council are moving forward as a small group just as the whole Girl Scout organization is constantly moving forward. It is a joyful journey we are following together and we find that the greatest joy of the journey is the friendship of working together, playing together and growing together. All that we share with each other, some other Girl Scout is sharing with us. As soon as we understand this joy of sisterhood we long to have others share it too.
This Candle flame represents the sisterhood bond that we all share. From the experienced Senior Scout to the smallest Daisy, we pass the flame of sisterhood---from one to another.
You have now moved from one level of girl scouting to another. One thing remains constant ---the Girl Scout Promise. The promise is a solemn oath you make to your leaders, parents and community to support one another. This is your promise to try to live up to the teachings of your own religious faith while, at the same time, respect the beliefs of others; to be a good citizen of your community and to help other people in small, everyday ways as well as in large ones.
Let's make the Girl Scout sign and renew our Girl Scout promise. [Girls make the sign and say the promise]


Take my hand in friendship
I give to you this day.
Remember all the good times
We had along the way.
Take my hand in helping
Other people that we know.
The more we give to others,
The more that we will grow.
Take my hands in learning
To camp on nature's ground.
Enjoying trails and campfires
With new friends that we have found.
Take my hand in giving
Our knowledge of true scouts
To girls we meet and talk to
Who have so many doubts.
Take my hand in thanking
Our leader and our guide.
With sincere appreciation
For standing by our side.
Take my hand in eagerness
To be an older scout.
We're proud to be bridging
Is what we're going to shout.
So take my hand to follow
New scouting paths in sight.
We're joining hands with each
And in friendship we'll unite.
[In Unison:]
We give our hands in promise
To hold our country dear,
And abide the Girl Scout Law
Each day throughout the year.

Multi-Level Bridging Ceremony

5 Stepping Stones (Arts, Out of Doors, People, Today and Tomorrow, Well Being)
As the Daisies step over the stepping stones, the Leader says:
Stepping stones are for you Daisies,
Cross them while you sing.
Your Daisy days are over now,
Come and join our Brownie ring.
Girls now join the Brownie ring, where they repeat the Promise and are pinned by a sister scout or the leader.
When you were a very young girl
You wore Daisy Girl Scout Blue,
You learned the joy of singing
With Daisy friends so true.
But now that you are older
You will be trying something new,
You will bring along your happy smile
To Brownies we are welcoming you.
The Brownies are in the Brownie Circle and the Bridging Brownies are in the middle.
Now is the time to say good-bye.
Break the ring and away you'll fly.
Brownies then cross over the Bridge to Juniors, they repeat the Promise and are pinned by a sister scout or the leader.
When you were a young girl
You learned through "trying" many things
Now you are ready for new adventures
As Juniors, your ideas can take wings.
Juniors cross over the Bridge to Cadettes, they repeat the Promise and are pinned by a sister scout or the leader.
When you were a young girl You learned a lot of things
By singing, badge work, and helping others
You learned what happiness you can bring
Now you come to Cadettes ready to take a greater part
In Girl Scouting and your community,
And Cadettes is just the start.
A Leader reads to all:
When I hear of young girls who haven't been a Girl Scout
I think of all the wonders That she has never seen.
We've watched you girls grow And marveled at the sight,
Your caring, talents and abilities and using them just right.
Repeat the Girl Scout Promise. Close by the Color Guard retiring the flags.

Multi-Level Arch Ceremony

Daisies and sister Brownie troop should stand and proceed to the designated area for the Arching Ceremony.
[The arch can be formed by: Leaders or Brownies raising arms to make arch, holding branches to make an arch, or making a floral arch.]
When I was a very young girl.
But now that I am older
I'll take along my happy smile
I wore Daisy Blue.
With Daisy friends so true.
I'll wear a hat of brown,
To Brownies I am bound.
Daisies cross through the Arch as leader says:
Through the Arch to a wondrous thing
A Daisy joins the Brownie Ring.
Fly-up Brownies and sister Junior troop assemble.
When I was a young girl I wore a dress of brown
I learned the B's of Brownies And friendship all around.
Now the dress I'll wear will be of Girl Scout green
Old friends join hands with new As a Junior I'll be seen.
Brownies now cross the Bridge to Junior troop. Bridging Juniors and Cadette sister troop assemble.
When I was a young girl I wore a dress of green,
I learned through helping others What happiness can mean.
Now I'll follow in proud footsteps . Where other Scouts have been
Exciting Cadette adventures ... Where I'm ready to begin.
Juniors now cross the Bridge to Cadettes. Bridging Cadettes and Senior troop assemble.
When I was a young girl I wore a dress of blue
By service to others I've learned what some go through
To Seniors I am going, I know I'll achieve my goal,
By learning the world around me, I'll discover my own role.
Adult Speaker:
When I see a young girl who hasn't worn our dress of green
I think of all the wonders that she has never seen
We've watched our girls grow. And marveled at what we've seen
And now that we are older We still love our dress of green.

Tree For The Future- A Multi-Level Bridging Ceremony

An oak tree drawn on poster board & cut into pieces to include: acorn, roots, trunk, branches, leaves
A large poster or a wall where the tree can be assembled as the ceremony progresses.
Just as an acorn is the beginning of a majestic oak tree, so is Daisy Girl Scouting the beginning of adventures in the Five Worlds of Interest. (Place acorn)
Roots sprout from the seed and reach out into the earth to anchor the tree and seek nourishment. Brownie Girl Scouting is the root of our organization. It provides a firm foundation of growth through the completion of Try-Its in the Five Worlds of Interest. (Place roots, which should have five sections, each labeled with one of the Five Worlds.) (Daisy Scouts who are bridging to Brownies can be bridged at this point)
Just as a tree trunk reaches up from the ground into the world, so do Junior Girl Scouts reach out further into their world by earning badges and signs. (Place trunk) (Brownies who are bridging to Junior can be bridged at this point.)
A tree’s branches allow it to spread and seek even more of the world. Cadette Girl Scouting allows a girl opportunities to seek both group and individual fulfillment through opening up new horizons. (Place branches, which should number seven for the seven parts of the Cadette Scouting program: Interest Project patches, Cadette leadership, career program, Cadette Challenge, volunteer service bars, Wider Opportunities, the Silver Award)(Juniors bridging to Cadettes can be bridged at this point.)
Just as the leaves of a tree are its crowning glory and a source of additional nourishment, so does Senior Scouting top off a girl’s experience in Girl Scouts. It allows her to explore her interests while reaching a high level of skill and leadership. (Place leaves, which should number seven for the seven parts of the Senior Scouting program: Project patches, Senior leadership, career exploration, Senior Challenge, volunteer service bars, Wider Opportunities, the Gold Award, which should be the biggest and placed at the top of the tree.)
If you have any Senior Scouts bridging to adult scouts, give them each an acorn so that they may go out and start the program all over again with other girls. Have them write a dream for the future on the acorn and place it at the base of the tree.

Court of Awards

Court Of Awards Ideas

Attach badges to a ribbon tied to a helium-filled balloon and anchor them with a small baggie of sand. Display the balloons by placing them across a table at the head of the room. As each girl receives her badges, she adds to her balloon bouquet.
Cut Trefoils out of cardboard (green is nice). Attach lengths of ribbon to the Trefoils, and put each girl’s awards on one. It makes a wonderful momento, and can be used as a troop craft in preparation for the event.
Attach the badges to a length of ribbon and pin each girl’s ribbon on her using her membership star.


North Wind:
I am the North Wind. People say I am cold, but to [girl's name] I will always bring the warmest weather because she has been true to the Girl Scout Promise and has lived up to the Girl Scout Law.
South Wind:
I am the South Wind. I wish you all success in Girl Scouting. Over hill and dale I have carried stories of [girl's name] and her experiences. As a Girl Scout she has been happy, willing, and fair---a credit to her troop and community.
East Wind:
I am the East Wind. I wish you well. I have spread the story of [girl's] fun and happiness in Girl Scouting with her troop, and of how she lived up to the Girl Scout Promise and was fair and helpful.
West Wind:
I am the West Wind. I would like everyone present to know that [girls name] did not walk the trail to the [award] alone. She had the wonderful help and guidance of her parents, [mothers name & fathers name]. Parents, continue to help your girls achieve and grow into young womanhood!

Gold Award

The following is a sample program (with interpretative notes) for a Gold Award ceremony that was combined with/held on Thinking Day.
1. Pre-meal events
WAGGGS tribute, by members of a local troop
The Juliet Low World Friendship Fund, by members of another local troop (explanation followed by a penny-for-each-year-since-birth collection)
2. Supper (in main dining room)
Invocation by principle of the school attended by recipient
Song: "Gracias Señor", by Girl Scouts from local Service Unit
International pot-luck buffet
3. Gold Award (in main chapel)
Introduction of honored guests
Candelight ceremony (recounting recipient's path in Girl Scouting leading to the Gold Award) by Girl Scouts from her community representing each age level
Address by the recipient's service project sponsor
Explanation of the Girl Scout Gold Award by the Chairwoman of local council's Gold Award committee
Description of the recipient's Gold Award project by her mother
Presentation of the Gold Award to recipient by the Gold Award committee chairwoman, assisted by the Mayor of a nearby city (a special friend and long-time supporter of Girl Scouting in the area)
Presentation of gifts to recipient from Girl Scout families in recipient's community, led by her Service Unit Manager
Speech by recipient: "Stay in Girl Scouts -- You Won't Regret It!"
Closing: song chosen by recipient, "Rainbow Connection"
4. Desert
Gold Award cake
Gold Award: Reading of Description and Challenge
"The Gold Award was established in 1980 as Girl Scouting's highest award. Only Senior Girl Scouts, at least 14 years of age, may pursue this award.
"The requirements for the Gold Award involve the completion of a combination of interest projects, leadership, career exploration and service projects. A young woman must demonstrate ability and skill in goal-setting, planning, putting values into action, and relating to the community. Each scout must earn 4 interest project patches, the Senior Challenge, the Senior Leadership award and the Career Challenge Pin. Upon completion of these requirements, the Scout must plan and execute a community service project spanning a period of at least four months. Each Scout must summit to the Girl Scout Council a project plan for approval before she does her project. Final application for the Gold Award is made to the council upon completion of the service project.
"The Gold Award Advisory Panel reviews each application to determine that the Scout has truly shown the exceptional leadership and organizational skills and has completed the community service required to earn this award. Over the years Girl Scouting's Highest Award has been called the Golden Eaglet, the Curved Bar, First Class and finally the Girl Scout Gold Award. There has never been a time when Girl Scouting has not had a highest award."
The following is the "Challenge to Recipients of the Gold Award" used at some councils' Gold Award ceremonies:
"Will all of those in the audience who have earned Girl Scouting's highest award, please stand.
[Speaker addresses the candidate(s)]
"[candidates' name(s)], the Girl Scouts and Girl Guides constitute one of the most significant movements in the history of the world. By your hard work and dedication, you have earned your right to be counted worthy of the program's highest rank. You have assumed a solemn obligation of service to God, to your country, to your fellow Girl Scouts and to humanity. Remember that the award you are about to receive is not only yours, but holds great significance for all of us as well. For what you do in the future reflects not only upon yourself but on those of us who with you hold Girl Scouting's highest award."

Flashcards Court of Awards

Write each letter on a 9” x 12” piece of posterboard. On the back of the cardboard write the explanation. Use as flashcards for a Court of Awards. Girls may have their own ideas for what each letter could stand for.
B Stands for Badges to be given today. What is a badge? An outward sign of an inner accomplishment. The scrap of colored material is not nearly so important as the job that was done to earn it.
A Awards given at the Court of Awards. Here we are not rewarded for the badge itself but for what the badge represents. It means new knowledge, new skills learned, and new opportunities to be of service to others.
D stands for Deeds. Good deeds to be done now and in the future for family, friends, and the community. Good deeds done with the knowledge and skills acquired through the badges.
G Is the Girl in Girl Scouts and the growth we achieve through living the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
E is for Eagerness and Energy necessary to earn badges. Badges do not come easily and they should not, or their value would be small. Badges present challenges and satisfaction in accomplishment.
S stands for so many things. Service to others, Self-Development, and most important, Self-Respect -- the way you feel about yourself as a person.
And so we have badges to be given today in this Court of Awards.

Silver Award

The GS Silver Award is the highest award that can be earned by a Cadette Girl Scout. To be eligible for this award you must complete certain requirements: You must complete at least three interest projects, or patches.
You must learn about career opportunities
You must develop and demonstrate your leadership skills, both inside and outside of Girl Scouting.
You must complete the Cadette Girl Scout Challenge.
And, after you have done all this, you must plan and execute a Silver Award project of your own choosing.
The GS Silver Award is a visible sign of [..'s] Commitment to and successful completion of her Cadette Girl Scouting experience. [..] now joins the ranks of tens of thousands of women and girls who have shown similar dedication to purpose.
[..'s] GS Silver Award is symbolic of HER interests and efforts in Girl Scouting.
By earning this award, [..] demonstrates that she is a person of character, capable of devoting herself to a worthy task. And she receives this award as much because of who she is and how she thinks, as because of what she knows.
By receiving this award, [..] becomes the latest to show that good intentions count for little until the application of ability and determination produce results.
And, who knows what influence this achievement of hers may have on future endeavors? Perhaps reflecting back on this experience will serve as inspiration for overcoming obstacles further along.
So, [..], may you ever be able to look back at your achievements as a Cadette Girl Scout, and find encouragement and hope at those times when you might otherwise falter or fail. Wear your GS uniform and the Silver Award on it today with pride and yet also with humility, thinking all those GS who have gone before you, and believing in the future you have yet to meet.
GS, GScouters, friends and relatives: I present to you [..], our council's latest recipient of the GS Silver Award!

The Spelling of Girl Scouting

These can be put on pieces of posterboard or just read (or memorized) as the girls choose.
G is for the Gracious way we all proclaim our birth
I points up the Ideas shared and those we’d like unearthed
R is for Respect we have for every race and creed
L is for our Loyalty to promises we heed
S is for Sincerity of deed and word and mind
C is for the Countless ways in which these are combined
O is Obligation that we owe to fellow man
U means that it’s You who must be first to lend a hand
T is for the Teamwork which has evidenced our growth
I is for Integrity which backs the Girl Scout oath
N is for the Noble way we remember days of old
G is for the Grateful thanks for efforts toward our goal

Each of these is Girl Scouting
What work! What fun! What pride!
To recall with admiration
And seek with greater stride.

Receiving all these badges
For all that we have done
Shows the pride we carry
What pride! What work! What fun!

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