Bri's Super Scary Friday the 13th Drinking Game

We've all seen this classic of American cinema, we've all made fun of it, and we've all done the cool 'ch-ch-ch-ha-ha-ha' sound to freak out our squeamish friends in the dark...but have you ever really appreciated this modern masterpiece? Of course you haven't, but fear not, by playing this fun little game, you'll love it as much as I do. Whatever you do, however, don't play with the broadcast version; this game was designed to go with the non-edited for content home video. If you use the censored version, you can't appreciate all of the little nuances (plus, you won't get as hammered). Go rent yourself a copy of Friday the 13th Part one, grab yourself some beers, and start drinking!

-Take one drink whenever you hear the 'ch-ch-ch' music (except the opening credits, that'd be way too much drinking right off the bat)

-Take three drinks if you hear it and no one dies

-Take one drink whenever someone hides instead of running

-Take one drink whenever someone mentions the 'death curse' on Camp Crystal Lake

-Take five drinks if it's someone beside Crazy Ralph

-Take one drink when anyone calls it 'Camp Blood'

-Take one drink whenever a character is introduced and it's obvious that their only purpose in the story is to die within three minutes

-Take one drink whenever someone is careless with sharp objects

-Take three drinks whenever the screen goes white after someone dies

-Take one drink whenever someone begs for mercy despite the fact that it obviously won't do a damn bit of good

-Take one drink for each corny line the cop gets

-Finish your beer if you spot the gratitious beaver shot

-Take one drink each time Kevin Bacon says something manly

-Take one drink for each article of clothing lost onscreen during the strip Monopoly game

-Finish your beer and observe a respectful moment of silence when Kevin Bacon dies his horrible death

-Take three drinks each time someone investigates a strange noise and doesn't die

-Take one drink if you think the waitress in the diner is actually a man, baby, yeah

-Take one drink whenever someone barracades a door in some elaborate, Rube Goldberg-ian manner

-Take another drink if they subsequently need to use that door to escape the killer

-Take one drink for each successive 'Kill her mommy, kill her' bit during the final chase

-Take one drink for each dead body that pops up in the final chase

-Take one drink for each usless object thrown at the killer

-Take one drink for each blow Mrs. Voorhees takes to the head

-Disqualify yourself if at any time you think that going out onto the lake in a rickety canoe was a good idea

-Take one drink for each ripple in the lake at the very end


-Whenever someone explains the back story of the camp

-Whenever a scene goes slo-mo

-While Betsy Palmer overracts during her speech about Jason's drowning

Remember, friends don't let friends drive drunk...