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Kevin Duffy
McHenry, IL
United States

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Pictures of Faries
Dragon Pictures
My Trip To France Italy Austria and Switzerland
I went to Europe this summer and this is a page bout it

Mythological    Creatures    and    Objects

I know that i am not the best on this subject but i have always had a small little place for it. Now I can put it down on paper well at least a screen for other people to enjoy. I would like to start with the dragon. It is a giant Mythological creature from all over the world. You wouldn't belive the size of this creature. It ranges in size from super extra large to very small. I would have to say that this is my favorite creature of them all. There are many different kinds and many different colors. I like the large red ones. They can fly and swim or both and all sorts of things. The castle is the next thing. the castle is not mythological as the dragon but is still considered to be by me anyways to be mythological object. they are real and also come in many different shapes and sizes. the really cool thing about them is that they have so many rooms that you could get lost in them and not be found for days. That takes me to the next subject. Sorceries, sourceries are the magic of it all. It can be good magic or goofy magic or good magic. I perfer the good and goofy magic sorceries. The whole idea of a sorcery is you think a wizard. but there are many other kinds of sorceries. there are gorges and orcs and somethimes there are some human sorceries. That will leave me to my next subject faries. Faries are the little but abnormal creatures. they come in different types like eleves and hobgoblins. when i say farie you automatically think of tinkerbell. well that is not the kind of farie i am talking about. I am talking about the larger one who doesn't have wings or can fly or even magic farie dust. i am talking about the elves and hobgoblins. They are about 3 to 4 feet tall and big ears. i like the little ones but i would like to spend some time with the rather large ones that no one cares about . I will talk about the little ones later. that will leave me to my next subject. the next thing i would like to discuss is rituals and things like that. rituals are things that you belive that if you do something that a miracle will happen. i would leave these alone but i still think that they are very cool. I don't know of any rituals but i thought i would just touch them. I would put them in neither the creature nor object catogory but the woundorous category. That leaves me to my next subject. faries. the little cute ones that when i say farie you think of tinkerbell. They can fly and do have magical powers. They can be very small say as big as a speck of dust or as big as a persons palm. They are very cool too. i would like to think of them as very friendly and put them in the creature category. The next category is Mythological Stories The Laughing Heart - Charles Bukowski Your life is your life, don't let it be clubbed into dank submission, be on the watch. There are ways out. There is light somewhere, it may not be much light, but it beats the darkness. Be on the watch, the gods will offer you chances. Know them, take them. You can't beat death, but you can beat death in life sometimes, and the more light there will be. Your life is your life, know it while you have it. You are marvelous, the gods wait to delight in you. Fear - Nelson Mandela "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of Spirit. Your playing small does not serve the World. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others won't feel insecure around you. We were born to manifest the glory of Spirit that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in EVERYONE. And as we let our Light shine,we give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,our presence liberates others". The Coffee Fairy - by Chris Kringle Once there was a magical fairy who served wonderful cups of coffee. She made big cups of coffee and teenie tiny cups of coffee, but she never made tall cups of coffee. Whenever she served coffee she would always smile so beautifully that all the customers would be blinded and often give wrong change. Many customers would often wander around the store clutching their coffee close to their breast and start singing cute little children songs. (such as it's a small wold after all.) But one morning she was so tired (must have been those 12 cups of coffee the day before) that she couldn't wake up. Huge lines of people stood there waiting to get their first brew of hot java, but she was nowhere to be found. In this sad moment a child said "Why don't we send our dogs and cats in search of her?" So everyone let loose their animals. Soon the fairy was surrounded by hundreds of cats and dogs licking her face. She woke up with a start and flew over the masses pouring fresh coffee. YEAH! the crowd cheered and once again balance and peace were restored to the universe.

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