William & Magdalena Wilburn Ministry

P.O. Box 695
Littleton, CO 80160
United States

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You Can Exorcise Demons and Heal People with the help of Jesus Christ!

Introduction: Jesus, I believe is the true exorcist and healer. He can exorcise demons and sickness and he works through people who believe in him the power to exorcise demons and heal the sick! If you want to know how to do exorcism and faith heal then continue reading. The following will teach you how to do these things along with Christ's Help. How to do it yourself with Christ's help: (The Following was Wrote by William M.Wilburn ). This is a once in a lifetime offer to learn what I am teaching. If you're having trouble with demons or If you or someone you know is sick( physically or mentally ) then you have come to the right place. The Lord Jesus has given me the power to exorcise demons and faith heal the sick. It has been for a long time that I have been able to do this. I have been able to faith heal people. People who have cancer and other problems. With demons, ever since I was young I have encountered evil spirits and I know how to get rid of them. And I'll show you in the next couple lines. I was born again when I was twelve and I believe totally in Jesus Christ and nothing will change that. I have been a faith healer and exorcist, not by choice. My wife is a faith healer on her own and she is the greatest believer in the HOLY SPIRIT I have ever seen. Exorcising Demons: All believers in Jesus Christ have the ability to exorcise demons and heal the sick. And So it is written in the bible along with many other gifts Jesus gives. If you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior, then you can proceed to confront the demon and say " In the Name of Jesus, I Command You to Return to your place of origin, In Hell!, " In Jesus Name I pray, Amen ". I pray in the name of Jesus, that anyone that reads this, shall be given the power to overcome the evil ones. For all people, the following two verses are the most important out of the bible in order to faith heal and to exorcise evil. John 3:16-For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not parish but have everlasting life. John 3:17 For god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but through him be saved. These two verses are also part about being born again. Faith Healing: Faith healing works the same way. You can faith heal yourself or somebody else if you believe that Jesus Christ is your Savior. You Say, THANK YOU JESUS FOR HEALING ME or someone else, IN JESUS MOST HOLY NAME I PRAY AMEN. this has worked many times for us. THE LORD LOVES US AND IS MERCIFUL and he will give you what you need if you love him. That's It! Keep the faith and love and you'll be granted many things! You can send us mail through the internet by clicking the address that is listed under the contact information. If you wish to for us to pray for you send a letter to the regular mail address listed under the contact information. Donations are welcomed. Please Visit My Sponsor below. My sponsor has made it possible for me to reach people on the internet with this information.Thank you and have a good day. Remember that this site can be found by typing the url http://www.click-on.to/jesus for future access.


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