Dedicated to the "Dobie dogs" Cinammon and her son, Luger. Beloved and remembered!


  • Keep a collar on your pet with tags that have the call name and a phone number. Keeping a current rabies vaccination will give you a traceable tag without added expense.
  • If a collar does coat damage, consider having your pet tatooed or a chip placed. Neither can be removed and most vets have scanners that can read a chip, now.
  • Leash your pet whenever you are in public. Accidents can happen so quickly, and it's impossible to out run a dog (I've tried)
  • Crate your pet during travel it will make your trip safer and more comfortable for driver and pet.
  • Spay or neuter your pet. It will be less inclined to roam and solve a lot of other problems at the same time!
  • Walk your fence line periodically checking for escape routes. Pets can get out from amazingly small holes.
  • Obedience train your dog. It will teach him the bascis and it's fun!!

    Since this page is dedicated to critters of all kinds, I wanted to save my introduction until last. Besides, we had a search to get underway!!

    I'm Mary Pearson. I have been involved in rescue work for almost twenty years, but my interest animal care spans closer to thirty years. My goodness, could it actually be that long??!! During that time I have had the pleasure of showing some wonderful dogs in both the confirmation and obedience rings. I have done obedience and personal protection training, grooming and boarding. I had the opportunity to work with an amazing veterinarian, and this interest lead me to a career in human health care. And I have raised a few puppies along the way.

    Currently my husband and I live with twelve dogs and nine cats, and yes, we all live in the house together. There is never a dull moment and the chaos is balanced by the unconditional love you can only get from a pet.

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