~Daily Lessons From A Dog~

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.

When loved ones come home, run to greet them.

When it is in your best interest, always practice obedience.

Enjoy it when someone wants to rub your tummy.

Take naps and always stretch when rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.

Be loyal.

Never pretend to be something you are not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and muzzle them gently.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you are happy, dance around, and wag your whole body.

No matter how often you are criticized, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout. Run right back and make friends.