~Pink Yesterdays~

This page is dedicated to my two daughters...
whom I love dearly...Wendy and Ginny

How can it be that when
I bent to kiss you goodnight
My daughter, a beautiful young woman
lay where only yesterday
a little girl had been?

When did the barrettes and
ponytail ribbons of birthday party
days give way to the styling comb
and makeup mirror of Saturday night dates?
Was it not only yesterday
crayons of all colors laid upon
the table, where now bottles of nail polish rest?

How can it be the buggy you filled
with so many dolls, has been pushed
aside and new suitcases are filled instead?
Did you ever know the finger you
wrapped yourself around was tied right to my heart?

It seems as though the ink has just dried
on the pages of your baby book
And here we are laughing over pages
in your year book.
How did the ballet slippers of a little girl
become the high heels of a young woman
on her way?

Such a little while ago you cried,
"Mommy, I'm scared, and now you whisper
"Mom don't worry, I will be fine".

When did the teddy bear you hugged
all night become the photo of someone
you have chosen for life?

How can it be the smell of baby powder
Turned instead to the scent of perfume

The giggles of a little girl became
the tears of a teen, and the roses
tiny fingers picked, were treasured like the petals
of a prom bouquet?
Wasn't it only yesterday ruffles and
tea parties colored my world pink and today
a new address and a goodbye
kiss stain my world blue?

How did it happen SO quickly
and when I stop to realize all my golden tomorrows
will bask in the memories of Pink Yesterdays.

Thank you Lord.....for Pink Yesterdays!!!!!