WeLcOmE    To    ClUbKiD's    FaNtAsY!

wELl tHerE yoU gO PiCs, liNkS, iNFo anD oThEr sTUfF! kEeP cLuB'n AnD cOmE bAcK SoOn To PeEp WhAt'S nEw!! yOu CaN gET a HolD oF mE At clubkiddee@hotmail.com aND dOn'T fORgeT To sIgN mY guEStbOoK! My fAvORitE quOtE DJ pORn bOi~"rAVeINg is An ArT, a WaY oF lIfE, nOT a STYle oR FaD tO fAkE THe fUnK w/, f_ck cOMmerCial aNd KeEp iT rEAl!!" aNd ReMEmBer tO bRiNg ThOsE GlOWWwWww sTiCks THiNGyS and rInG pOPs! ;-P yuMmY mY pAgE wILl bE uNdER maJoR coNsTRucTioN fOR tHe nExT feW wEeKs... CoME bAcK aNd sCoPe iT oUt... p.L.u.®.

kOoLll lInkZz
I'm redoing everything here but I've left
a few links to keep you busy...

PeAcE LoVe UnItY ReSpEcT

Picture Gallery of friends, me and, well.. Just go look :-)
Club101 This is the Club that started my DJing
My profile.. Including a psychotic looking pic of me ;*Ş


Total Chaos: Chaos' & Eros' Homepage

cLiCk On ThE aWaRd If YoU'D
lIkE tO aPpLy tO wIn It

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