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Today, more than ever, we need to pray for the light to know the will of God, for the love to accept the will of God, for the way to do the will of God.
This doing of the will of God is obedience. Jesus came to do the the will of his Father and did it unto death, death on the cross. The surest way to holiness and the fulfillment of our mission of peace,love and joy is through obedience.
Truely he has loved me unto death. Do I love Jesus unto death? How can I love Jesus whom I do not see if I don't love my sister or brother?
We tell people how kind, forgiving, and understanding God is-are we the living proof? Can they really see this kindness,this forgiveness, this understanding,alive in us?
Holines grows so fast where there is kindness. I have never heard of kind souls going astray.
Thoughtfulness is the beginning of great sanctity. If you learn this art of being thoughtful, you will be more Christlike, for his heart was meek and he always thought of others.
If you think well of others, you will also speak well of others and to others. From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. If your heart is full of love, you will speak of love.
Let us be very sincere in our dealings with each other and have the courage to accept each other as we are. See and find in each other the good, for each one of us is created in the image of God.
In loving one another through our works we bring an increase of grace and a growth in devine love. Since Jesus' is love, our mutual love we will be able to love as he loves, and he will manifest himself through us to each other and to the world; by this mutual love they will know that we are his.
Our works of charity are nothing but the overflow of our love for God from within. Therefore the one who is the most united to him loves their neighbor most.
Love does not live on words, nor can it be explained by words-above all that love which serves him, touches him, loves him in others. Such love is true, burning, pure, without fear and doubt- no greater love that the love Christ himself has shown us.
He has chosen you for himself, to be his love and his light in the world. The simplest way of becoming his light is by being kind and loving, thoughtful, and sincere with others; "By this they will know that you are his disciples."
Obedience well lived frees us from selfishness and pride and so it helps us to find God and in him the whole world. Obedience is a special grace and it produces unfailing peace, inward joy, and close union with God.
Obedience transforms small, commonplace things and occupations into acts of living faith, and faith in action is service of the loving God. Obedience lived with joy creates a living awareness of the presence of God. Acts of obedience become like drops of oil that keep the light of Jesus living in our life.
We are infallible when we obey. Ask the Holy Spirit to give us that one grace. Only Jesus can teach us obedience, and that is by the reality of his own example.
Let us love God not for what he gives but for what he deigns to take from us. Our little acts of obedience give us the occasion of proving our love for him.
Total surrender means totally abandoning ourselves into his hands; yielding totally to his every movement of love, giving him supreme freedom over us to express his love as he pleases,with no thought of self.
Loving trust means an absolute, unconditional, and unwavering confidence in God our loving Father, even when everything seems to be a total failure; to look to him alone as our help and protector, trusting to the point of rashness with courageous confidence in his fatherly goodness.
Cheerfulnes is indeed the fruit of the Holy Spirit and a clear sign of the kingdom within. Jesus shared his joy with his disciples, "that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete" (John 15:11) Our joy is a work of our generosity, selflessness, and close union with God.
All the gifts of nature and of grace which you have, you have them from God.
We shall not waste our time in looking for extraordinary experiences in our life but live by pure faith, ever watchful and ready for his coming by doing our day-by-day duties with extraordinary love and devotion.
We must drink deeply from the very Source the deep calm and peace of interior quietude and refreshment of God, allowing the pure water of divine grace to flow plentifully and unceasingly from the Source itself.
Contemplation is not a matter of doing but being. It is the possession of our spirit by the Holy Spirit breathing into us the plenitude of God and sending us forth to the whole creation as his personal message of love. Contemplation is pure joy.
We must contemplate God's constant presence and his tender love for us in the least little things of life, and be constantly available to him, loving him with our whole heart, whole mind, whole soul, and whole strength.
We are called to with-draw at certain intervals into deeper silence and alone with God, to be alone with him, not with our books, thoughts, and memories but completely stripped of everything, to dwell lovingly in his presence: silent, empty, expectant.
Let us not forget that we owe humility to God out of reverence to him, or that our humility is not only a imitation of Christ but also a perfect way of giving oneself to Jesus, for when we are able to accept humility with joy, our love for Jesus becomes very intimate and very ardent.
Let us all try to practice humility and meekness. We learn humility through accepting those things which make us feel it. Do not let a chance pass you by. It is so very easy to be proud, harsh, moody, and selfish--so easy. But we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts.
Humility always radiates the greatness and glory of God. How wonderful are the ways of God. He used humility, smallness, helplessness, and poverty to prove to the world that he loved the world. Let us not be afraid to be humble, small, and helpless to prove our love to God.30thIt is in loving our Lord and our neighbor that our humility will flower, and it is in being humble that our love will become real, devoted, and ardent.
Lord Jesus, cleanse us of those personal failings which diminish our own peace and the peace of those around us. Keep our minds and hearts serene so we may bring peace to all we meet. We want to witness to peace.

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