Corgan Quotes

"It`s not a mystical record, but it definitely touches on things that are beyond the obvious. That`s what makes me want to live-things that are behind what we see. I think people just sort of accept life, and that`s why you see them veering off into the two-car-and-a-house syndrome, because to them that`s satisfaction." - Talking about Gish.

"My stepmother told me I had a persecution complex."

"We didn't come to make people laugh. We come to kick their butts. It's like a mini paramilitary unit."

"Disarm is about my childhood and how I turned into an asshole."

"I feel like my time on this earth is severely limited, and I'm going to exploit it for all it's worth."

"Maybe one day I'll just die. But it won't be glamorous or mythological. I'll have a Twinkie in my hand, take a bite and fall over."

"I was working in a used-record store, living with my dad and basically being the four-track-cassette-making geek." - Talking about before the band started.

"It's just, you know, the superhero needs a costume." - Referring to his ZERO shirt.

"We're not getting any prettier."

"Hey, being the Smashing Pumpkins is not so fucking bad. We make a lot of people happy."

"The football players are the stars. But deep down it's the full-on stoner guys that are the rock stars."

"For a 6-foot-3 guy with no hair and a whiny voice, I've done all right."

"I just got so sick of worrying about appearance that by shaving my hair completely de-emphasizes the way I look. I kind of subscribe to the Einstein theory that the less you have to think about the more upwards you become." - On why he shaved his head.

"I came, I rocked, I fell down and died." - Saying what his epitaph should read.

"Yosemite Sam, because he's always hooting and hollering and shooting his guns off, but deep down he really loves Bugs. There's a lot of fuss but also a lot of compassion." - What cartoon character he'd like to be.

"We are going to kick your ass harder than anybody else. You can laugh at us, you can poke fingers at us, but for what it is, we're as good as it's going to get."


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