July 14, 1999
Page 15

Okay it’s long over due, so here’s my new entry.

What’s on my mind? Umm, right now I’m not doing pretty well. For some reason, my heart feels like it’s about to explode. (If I die, remember I want to be buried with my computer.) Work is fine, no qualms there. School, well I’ve gotten in my old mind set and I’m ready to become more active, in all my groups. Love life? Umm, what can I say…? IT SUCKS! I’m starting to think it will be a very long time, before I have a so-called boyfriend. For two simple reasons, 1. I haven’t found anyone who interests me enough to start a serious relationship and 2. The guys I like, never like me back. Can we say LOSER!

Okay, I’ll stop sounding like the typical silly teenage girl. I mean, even though I am a little lonely and would love to have a cool hang out partner, I’m not too worried about it. I have my computer to compensate. Isn’t that sad, en lieu of a man, I have a computer. Oh well.

You know what I hate? I hate that I like someone and they don’t like me back. This sucks! I mean, I try to be witty, nice, and peak their interest, but I get nothing in return. To avoid my feelings from getting abused and to stop myself from constantly thinking about this guy (or should I say guys)… I try to not think about him/them and tell myself over and over again (or should I had just wrote repeatedly) that I don’t like them.

Oh well (sigh)… I am sure one confused girl. But hey…it’s my life…and I’m allowed to screw it up as much as I want!

Ps. If anyone would like to sponsor my trip to Europe please contact me!