Taken for granted until it's taken away
Hands used for gentle caresses
Passionate embraces
Stealing breath
Tight around my throat.

Not sure if it was
Conscience or just knowing that
You had won
I found myself on the floor

Curled up in a ball
On the bed, don't even
Remember how I got there
All that I know is that
I'm crying
Forever, if I have to.

If that's what it really was
Left me that day
Perished in the lack of
Dead spark.

I got stronger
You got scared
You had me, you knew how to
Hurt me, but
Never my soul.

Then the sun
Hit my face
Warming every cell
And I wrote
Poured out my heart
Protected it on paper.

When I left
You just sat there
Knife hidden under your coat
Money you took from me
In your pocket
I didn't care.

I'm free
I still have a bad back
And I'll never let another
Man put his hands near my
Throat again, but I'm finally

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