The Constitutional Principle: Separation of Church and State
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Return of the "Separation of Church & State Homepage"

If you have entered this page by link from another site:

This section is a sub-site of the more comprehensive web site, The Constitutional Principle: Separation of Church & State

To visit the Table of Contents for the full site, please click here

The first web publication of the "Separation of Church and State Homepage" occurred in January 1996 through the joint efforts of Tom Peters, Jim Allison and Susan Batte. Over the next two years, that site became an invaluable research tool for people confronting the misrepresentatation of the religious right. Between May 6, 1996 (when a counter was put on the page) and June 18, 1999, the page recorded 95,044 hits.

The original Separation of Church and State Homepage disappeared from the web on June 18, 1999. Several articles, originally published at that site, had been updated and incorporated into this web site during 1998 and 1999. To prevent this valuable resource from being lost, we have chosen to republish the remaining material as a sub-page on this site. Some minor changes have been made to accommodate changed/broken links and other technical problems. Otherwise, the material appears exactly as previously published. A link has been added to the bottom of the original home page that will return the reader to this page.

The following is a more comprehensive Index for Tom Peters' Separation of Church and State Homepage than the original at Separation of Church and State Homepage.

You may find it helpful to look through it before browsing the sub-site. It contains links to sub-articles that previously have been accessible only from hyperlinks within the lead article. The outline indentations indicate the sub-articles.

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