How Do I Use Images On This Site
Lesson #1

Hi, if your new to this HTML stuff, and don't quite know how to take advantage of all these great gifs, lines, and backgrounds that Fila has collected, we'll try to show you how!

It's real easy, so stick around!

So, have you found a couple of really neat images you like, and want to put them in your e-mail?

Before we start there are a couple of things we should know. URL means universal resource locator. Also called the addy (address). It is the address of the image. Example of an addy:

This is the address of bg115.jpg. So whenever we say addy or URL we're talking about the http:// thing! (Really more to it than that. But, that's all we need to know)

  • Do you know how to get to you signature box? if you don't let's go find out.
  • Do you know how to find a URL or addy with your GoTo key
  • if you don't let's go find out.

    OK, lets do IT!

    this is the code to put a background on your e-mail:

    <body background="">

    (be careful, between body and background there is a word space)

    Now lets change the color of the text. To do that we'll just add a little something to the code:

    <body background="" text="white"> Now lets see what that looks like!

    So, what do you think so far?

    If, you are having any problems with this lesson just e-mail me, and we'll see if we can fix it!

    OK, are you ready to put an image on your e-mail? Let's GO! (click here)

    [LESSON #1] [LESSON #2] [LESSON #3]