You CAN write HTML code from scratch

The "Break" or <BR> tag

The information is there, but it is hard to read; the words and sentences are jumbled together. Another HTML tag is the <BR> tag. Commonly called the "Break" tag, it inserts a manual carriage return - as if you hit the [Enter] key - that allows you to break your sentences so they are more easily read.


<TITLE>Cyberperson's First Web Page</TITLE>

This web page belongs to Cyberperson.<BR> I live in Los Angeles.<BR> I work for Calliope Studios.<BR> I have a dog named Remington.<BR> My hobbies are cooking and movies.<BR> </BODY>


To see how this "Break tag" looks, click Here

It is also easier for you to check your code if you type each separate sentence on its own line, followed by the break tag, like this. Press [Enter] to move down each time.


<TITLE>Index.htm - My First Web Page</TITLE>

This web page belongs to Cyberperson.<BR>
I live in Los Angeles.<BR>
I work for Calliope Studios.<BR>
I have a dog named Remington.<BR>
My hobbies are cooking and movies.<BR>


Either way, it displays the very same way on the web page; it's just easier to read the code this way.

Note: You may have caught this already, but the <BR> tag is one of the few HTML tags which have no logical closure. Therefore, it is not necessary to close the break tag.

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