You CAN write HTML code from scratch

Adding "Color" to your type font or
<FONT SIZE="6" COLOR="#0033CC">

Color adds a lot of "pizzazz" to a web page and helps prevent it from being dull. Colors are normally expressed in a series of letters and numbers, such as "0000FF" OR "3388CC". With the newer browsers, you can also express them by using its name, for example "blue" or "red".

If you take the standard "Font" tag, and add a color attribute, the type shows up in that color.
<FONT SIZE="3" COLOR="#0000FF">
displays this line of type as blue.
<FONT SIZE="3" COLOR="blue">
also displays this line as blue also.

So, why would you use the 6 letter designation, in this case of medium blue, when you can get the same color by just saying "blue"?
Because you might want a darker blue, or a lighter blue, than just blue.
For example:
This type font color is a darker blue
<FONT SIZE="3" COLOR="#0033CC">
and displays like this, instead of
like this lighter blue.

Two good web sites which show the 216 non-dithering colors developed by Netscape, which display well on both IBM compatible and Macintosh machines are: and
You can select colors from either of the above and enter the 6-digit codes given in your FONT COLOR specification.

In the web page we are creating, we will give the top line of type some color.
Note: If you specify blue for the top line, you must re-specify black for the rest of the type, or everything will appear in blue.
Black is specified by COLOR="#000000".
Add the following to get a blue top line:


<TITLE>Cyberperson's First Web Page</TITLE>

<FONT SIZE="6" COLOR="#0000FF">
This web page belongs to Cyberperson. <BR>
<FONT SIZE="5" COLOR="#000000" >
I live in Los Angeles. </P> <BR>
I work for Calliope Studios. </P> <BR>
I have a dog named Remington. </P> <BR>
My hobbies are cooking and movies. </P> <BR>


With the top line in "Bold" and also in color, it would look like this: click Here

Note: One other attribute of the "FONT" tag is the "FACE" attribute.
The FACE attribute is the "style" of type your web page will be shown in. Most IBM compatible computers and browsers have two main styles of type: Arial and Times Roman.
Macintosh computers normally have a face called "Geneva".
We therefore code our FONT FACE with both to cover most browsers and platforms used in surfing the web. It looks like this:
In this tutorial, all of the type on the pages which you have been reading has been specified as "Arial, Geneva".
Arial looks like all the type above and is a Sans Serif typeface.
Times Roman looks like this line and is a serif typeface.
If you don't see two different kinds of type above, then your browser is probably over-riding the font specification on this web page.
People will often code their web pages and specify an unusual "FONT FACE", for ex. - "Black Chancery", which they particularly like.
The code would look like this:
The only problem with this is that they have "BLACK CHANCERY" on their computer, so it looks great to them. However, if the surfer visiting the site, doesn't have "BLACK CHANCERY" on his computer, then the web site is viewed in the "Browser Default Font Setting".
Since most IBM compatible computers, and Netscape, specify the "Default Font" as either Arial (sans serif) or Times Roman (serif), most of your web surfing is seen in either one or the other of these FONT FACES.
When they come to a web site with an unknown Font specified, they simply default to whatever Font setting is specified in the browser. Now they are looking at the web site in "Arial", not "Black Chancery".
So there's no point in specifying a Font Face which very few people have, as they are going to see your website in Arial or Times Roman as the Default Font setting.
This is why we specify "Arial" in our Font Attributes above. We also specify "Geneva", which takes care of Font Faces for the MacIntosh (yes, there are people surfing on the MAC).

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"Sans serif" means "without serif". Serifs are the little "ticks" which can be found on the ascenders and decenders of each letter.
Compare the letters
j and k with serifs and
j and k without serifs.