You CAN write HTML code from scratch

What about the "Background" ? or

Actually, the background is not a separate tag at all. You just place additional attributes in the "Body" tag of our web page.
Previously, we had <BODY>.
There are 3 attributes normally enclosed in the body tag. They are
1. A background color, which is coded with your choice of color.
or a background image
<BODY BACKGROUND="images/stonewall.gif">.

2. The "LINK"
The Link Color specifies what color to show your links in and will be used every time you have an "A HREF" code on your web page.
Our Link here (#0000FF) is blue.

3. The "VLINK"
The VLink Color shows a different color after you have clicked on a link. It helps you keep straight which links you have visited and which links you have not visited. In a long list of links, this can be very helpful.
Our VLink (#CC33FF) is sorta purple.

The simplest background is nothing but a color, in this case light blue. In the case of the web page we are building below, where we had <BODY>
we now replace that with
This takes care of the background color, and the Link and VLink colors.

NOTE: To find a list of colors with examples, click HERE


<TITLE>Cyberperson's First Web Page</TITLE>


<FONT SIZE="6" COLOR="#0000FF">
This web page belongs to Cyberperson. <BR>
<IMG SRC="images/guy-comp.gif"> </P>
<HR> </P>

I live in Los Angeles. <BR>
</P> </FONT> </CENTER>
<FONT SIZE="3" COLOR=#000000">
Los Angeles is the largest city on the west coast. There are over 8 million people living in the area. Surrounded by mountains, and bordered by the Pacific Ocean, you can find more to do here than almost anywhere else in the world! You can learn more about my city by going to this
<A HREF="">
Los Angeles link. </A>
</FONT> <BR>

I work for Calliope Studios. <BR>
</P> </FONT> </CENTER>
<FONT SIZE="3" COLOR=#000000">
Calliope produces titles and introductions to Hollywood movies and TV shows. You can see my work at the beginning of many of the TV shows of today. </FONT> <BR>

I have a dog named Remington. <BR>
</P> </FONT> </CENTER>
<FONT SIZE="3" COLOR=#000000">
Remington is a black Labrador Retriever. He loves the water and swims the whole time we go to the beach. He is my very best friend. I have some photos of Remington which you can see by clicking
<A HREF="remingtn.htm">
HERE. </A>
</FONT> <BR>

My hobbies are cooking and movies. <BR>
</P> </FONT> </CENTER>
<FONT SIZE="3" COLOR=#000000">
We have friends come over twice a month for a "bring-your-own-dish" party. The food is great and we do a lot of recipe swapping. If you would like some of my recipes, send me an e-mail by clicking
<A HREF="">
HERE. </A>



The new background color and the link colors make the web page look like this: click Here

If you decide you want an image background, rather than a color, change the
<BODY BACKGROUND="images/stonewall.gif" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#CC33FF">,
or to any other image which you find appropriate.

To see how this web page background will look using the stonewall.gif, click Here

Note: Throughout this tutorial, when you have already clicked on a link, you will see the purple show up, indicating that the link has been visited. Until the link is clicked, it will remain blue.

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Selecting colors for your web page:
Two good web sites which show the 216 non-dithering colors developed by Netscape, which display well on both IBM compatible and Macintosh machines are: and
You can select colors from either of the above and enter the 6-digit codes given in your FONT COLOR specification.
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