Symbolic entities allow you an additional degree of flexibility in programming your Web Page.

As opposed to Numberic Entities, which directly call special characters, a symbol is used to do the same thing.

&lt; will display the "less than" sign < on your web page. This symbol is very helpful if you are displaying code on your page which someone is supposed to copy.
Ex. if you want to display a table to be copied, it should be written

&lt;TABLE&gt; &lt;TR&gt; &lt;TH&gt;

so that it will show up as

Numberic Entities or Special Characters, such as @ © can be found here

NOTE: Four symbolic entities have been approved by the W3C as HTML.

These are:

  1. &lt; - Less than sign ( < )
  2. &gt; - Greater than sign ( > )
  3. &AMP; - Ampersand ( & )
  4. &QUOT; - Double Quote ( " )

This list is derived from `ISO Standard 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN'. However, HTML does not include for the entire entity set.
Although only four have been approved, most of the following will display in the latest version of browsers.

Some of the non-display entities listed below don't display on IBM compatibles, but do display on MACS

HTML Symbolic Entities Listing

&aacute; displays á
&acirc; displays â
&aelig; displays æ
&agrave; displays à
&amp; displays &
&aring; displays å
&atilde; displays ã
&auml; displays ä
&AElig; displays Æ
&Aacute; displays Á
&Acirc; displays Â
&Agrave; displays À
&Aring; displays Å
&Atilde; displays Ã
&Auml; displays Ä
&brvbar; displays ¦
&ccedil; displays ç
&cent; displays ¢
&copy; displays ©
&Ccedil; displays Ç
&deg; displays °
&ETH; displays Ð
&Eacute; displays É
&Ecirc; displays Ê
&Egrave; displays È
&Euml; displays Ë
&eacute; displays é
&ecirc; displays ê
&egrave; displays è
&eth; displays ð
&euml; displays ë
&frac12; displays ½
&frac14; displays ¼
&frac34; displays ¾
&gt; displays >
&iacute; displays í
&icirc; displays î
&iexcl; displays ¡
&igrave; displays ì
&iquest; displays ¿
&iuml; displays ï
&Iacute; displays Í
&Icirc; displays Î
&Igrave; displays Ì
&Iuml; displays Ï
&laquo; displays «
&lt; displays <
&micro; displays µ
&middot; displays ·
&nbsp; displays  
&not; displays ¬
&ntilde; displays ñ
&Ntilde; displays Ñ
&Oacute; displays Ó
&Ocirc; displays Ô
&Ograve; displays Ò
&Oslash; displays Ø
&Otilde; displays Õ
&Ouml; displays Ö
&oacute; displays ó
&ocirc; displays ô
&ograve; displays ò
&oslash; displays ø
&otilde; displays õ
&ouml; displays ö
&para; displays ¶
&plusmn; displays ±
&pound; displays £
&quot; displays "
&raquo; displays »
&reg; displays ®
&sect; displays §
&shy; displays ­
&sup1; displays ¹
&sup2; displays ²
&sup3; displays ³
&szlig; displays ß
&THORN; displays Þ
&thorn; displays þ
&uacute; displays ú
&ucirc; displays û
&ugrave; displays ù
&uuml; displays ü
&Uacute; displays Ú
&Ucirc; displays Û
&Ugrave; displays Ù
&Uuml; displays Ü
&Yacute; displays Ý
&yacute; displays ý
&yen; displays ¥
&yuml; displays ÿ

NOTE: These codes work in the Netscape browser. If the code on the left is the same as that displayed on the right, then your browser does NOT support this entity.

The following symbolic entities are proposed


^ UP

copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
launched - 11/14/98