
Join my Webring

The submissions form for your page:

Most submission forms are very much alike. The one for my America's Lakes Webring looks like this;

Your page's URL:
Your page's Title:
(NOTE: This must be the page which contains your WebRing HTML and graphic.)

Owner's name:

Your e-mail address:

Your Password:

(The password allows you to later make changes. Do not forget it! If you have any problems, email

Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.

Description: Enter a short description of your site.

~~~~~~end of form~~~~~~

You can modify the form to suit your own needs.
The code for the above form is:
NOTE: Change the red XXXXX's to your RingID.

<FORM method="POST" action=";add">
<input type="hidden" name="sid" value="==sid==">
Your page's URL:<BR>
<INPUT name="url" value="http://" size=50><BR>
Your page's Title:<BR>
<INPUT name="title" size=50><BR><B>
(NOTE: This must be the page which contains your WebRing HTML and Graphic.)
Owner's name:<BR>
<INPUT name="name" size=30><BR>
Your e-mail address:<BR>
<INPUT name="mail" size=30><BR>
<INPUT name="pw" size=20>(The password allows you to later make changes.
<B>Do not forget it!</B>
If you have any problems, email
Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.<br>
<input name="keywords" size=40><BR>
Description: Enter a short description of your site.<br>
<textarea name="desc" cols=40 rows=5 wrap=soft></textarea>
<INPUT type="submit" value="Submit Site"><BR>
<!INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="next-url" VALUE="thanx.htm">

Sweep the above code with your cursor, copy it, and paste it into your Webring page.

That's all there is to the submissions form.

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Launched 2-13-98

Copyright &#copy; 1997/1998 Morgan Smith
All rights reserved. All Images,
downloads and text are ths sole
property of Morgan Smith and cannot be used
without written permission of the
this publisher.