Check out Watkins products here!:

Thank you for your interest in a Watkins catalog.

For your convenience, you can now view and shop for Watkins products right on the web!

Simply Start Shopping and you have access to all the great products Watkins carries, as well as seeing what is on sale for the month.

Should you place an order while at my site, I'll send you monthly sale catalogs periodically if your order is over $25.00. Order over $50.00 of Watkins products while at my site, and I'll send you a main line catalog. Place a $99.00 order, and your shipping is free!

Thank you again for your interest in Watkins products.

Carri Ball
5224 S 53rd Street
Lincoln, NE 68510
United States

"The statements made and opinions expressed on this Web site are those of the Watkins Independent Representative who is the publisher of this document, and are not to be construed as the statements or opinions of Watkins Incorporated."

"Sponsoring or selling of Watkins products outside of the United States or Canada is strictly prohibited."