Welcome to the Family Footprints website. This site will contain information relating to the Downey/ Arduengo Family. Surnames to include Arduengo, Arnold, Bacon, Balazy, Bonelli, Braza, Carr, Coller, Dixon, Downey, Echeverria, Fernandez, Gonzales, Gregory, Haskins, Klott, Leonardi, Martinez, Palella, Raether, Snyder, Wolodzko & all the connecting lines. I am also setting up pages with genealogy links. If you would like to include a link to your site please let me know, & feel free to link to this site. Please check back often as I am still in the process of building this site & there will be a lot more to come. I have included a message board so that you may post your surnames, & find those brick walls! Please don't forget to sign my guest book while you are here. |
Come & check out these links to some of my other pages. |
Downey Data |
This page is still being built, but drop by and take a peak. As the name states this page is all about Downeys. |
This is our family Tree. Also includes Klott, Wolodzko, Palella, Storch, Snyder, Carr, Arnold, Gregory, & many more. |
La ascendencia de Arduengo |
Esta es la pagina de todo sobre |
Arduengo. Usted podrá encontrar |
información sobre el origen del |
nombre. Hay también algunas |
conexiones a fotografías. Me |
encantaría que le echara un |
vistazo. |
Arduengo Ancestry |
Here is the page all about Arduengo's. You can find some information about the origin of the name. There are also some links to photographs, I would love for you to have a look. |
Genealogy Links |
This is where you will find links to Genealogy resources, immigration beginning genealogy, & genealogy societies & organizations |
Genealogy Links by Regions |
Still building the site. right now it has some links to sites about Fl., Ky., Oh., Hispanic sites, & Poland |
Surname Links |
Here you will find links to pages that revolve around certain surnames. This will also include personal pages. |
Family Photos |
I have added this new site which contains photos of families : Downey, Arduengo, Haskins, Klott, Sovil, Gregory, Coller, Wolodzko, Fernandez & Palella. Click on the thumbnail in the gallery to get a better veiw. |
This is the Family Footprints surname query board. |
Post those brick walls, it may be the key to helping you knock them down! |
Visit with other family member websites: |
Want to be updated about new items & links on my page? Join my mailing list. |
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Immortality lies not in the things you leave behind, but in the people your life has touched. |
-- Anonymous |