This I Promise You

Chapter 12:

Author's Note: This chapter and the next chapters to come will have an rated "R" feel to it, if you know what I mean. The story's rating is "R".But I wanted to warn you all of the cussing and violence that will be taking place, soon. If you can't handle it, stop reading and I'll understand.... it took alot for me to write this story and for me to finish it(2 years)....Latise

JC looked at the others, who stood there not knowing what to say.

Grabbing his jacket, he headed outside where he saw Justin sitting

on the steps. "Now tell me everything, Justin!" JC yelled. "What's

to tell Joshua! That Denise got raped by the bastard and we know he's

been beating on her! And she just found out herself snd he doesn't

know! That she's now not only scared for her and Tomeeka, but this

new life! That if he fuckin' found out, he'd know he could have her

where he damn well wants her! Is that everything you motherfuckin'

wanted me to tell you?!" Justin stood up yelling it all to JC, tears

in both of their eyes. Knowing all this , JC slid down to thte steps

and sat down crying. Justin joined him. "I'm gonna kill him! That

bitch, Dylan is dead!" JC said getting up , going to the rent-a- car

he had. Justin ran after him. "C! No!Calm down; get sleep; then see

her tomorrow. Okay?" Justin spoke calmly. "When the time is right;

we'll deal wit him and help Niecey and Meeka." They walked back into

the house and saw it was dark and quiet. They went off to their rooms

feeling tired and angry. JC saw that Tomeeka was already in bed a

picture of her, Denise,him and Justin that they all took when she

was a year old. He smiled and gently took the picture out of her

small hands before getting in to bed. He tried to go to sleep, but

his mind constantly worried that he was going to lose them both.

Tomeeka woke up, noticing her Uncle Josh was next to her. She sat up

and pushed her small fingers in to his side. "Unkle Josh? You awake?"

He turned to her, looking at his beautiful god-daughter and spoke.

"Yep. You,okay sweetie?" "Yeah. But can I tell you a secret?" He then

sat up and turned on the lamp next to him. "Yes, what is it, baby?"

She brushed some hair near his ear, so she could whisper in it. "I

don't like Dylan. He's mean and he yells at mommy. And mommy doesn't

know I seen him hurt her." This just pissed JC off even more as he

heard his little Meeka tell him this news that she found out and

kept."You have?" "Uh-huh. Anyway, I like Justin better. I wish Justin

was with Mommy." JC grinned when he heard that part."You know that

Justin thinks you don't like him." "I do love all the guys." "Well

how about Justin taking you and the guys to the Oxon Hill Kiddie Farm,

tomorrow?" I wanna go see your momma,okay?" "Okay.I love you so much,

Unkle Josh. You're the best Unkle I ever had." Tears welled up in his

eyes. "I love you too,Meeka. You're the best god-daughter I've ever

had. He said turning the lamp back off, as they snuggled trying to

go to sleep.Tomeeka giggled and mumbled, "Unkle Josh, I'm the only

god-daughter you have." She sighed as she finally went to sleep.

As JC started to fall into a deep sleep, he heard crying. With a

sudden jolt, he sat up and checked Tomeeka. He saw that she was sound

asleep. But he still heard the crying. He got up to investigate. The

sound was louder as he got to the Marshall study room. There he found

Vanessa with her head in her hands. JC quickly went to her."Mama Ness,

what's wrong?" She looked up at him through tears streaming

uncontrollably out of her eyes. "Oh, Joshua! It's Denise. I'm so

worried about her. I don't trust Dylan. I can see sometimes, that she

doens't trust him with Tomeeka." JC sat on the floor in front of the

woman, he considered to be his second mother. "Why do say that, Mama

Ness?" "Cause, she's never been away from Tomeeka this long. And she's

madde sure that Tomeeka has been mainly with you or Justin." "Yeah, I

noticed. Mama Ness, I'm gonna talk to her. I promise. I'll take care

of this." He smiled bittersweetly to try to reassure her. Vanessa

reached out her chocolate brown hand and touched his cheek. "Thank

you, son. I'll sleep better knowing you're back home to take care of

this." JC got up and had a caring smile on his face. Before he

started to leave he hugged her, shedding tears of his own."Joshua?"

JC stopped at the door, turning back to her."Yes, Momma Ness?" "I love

you ,son." "I love you too, Mama." He said before going back to bed.