Leonard (Link) and Alma Casteel.
I was
born and raised in Englewood, Tennessee.
My Wife, Alma (Buckner) Casteel
was born and raised in Niota, Tennessee.
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We live
in a small town called Englewood,Tennessee.
We have lived in lots of places due to my work
but spent the last 30 years in Murphy, N.Carolina.
I worked for TVA as an
Electrical Maintenance Supervisor at Hiwassee Dam.
We always knew we would return to Tennessee when I
dream finally came true.
We belong
to Englewood Christian Church.
Our church is big enough to make you "feel
but small enough to make you" feel welcome".
Come visit us sometime, we'd love to have you.
Tennessee Waltz
Courtesy of
Don Carroll's Midi Riff Bulge
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