Referencias ;

    Brehm, S. & Kassin, S.(1996). Social psychology (3rd ed):  Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. 

    Brenner S. & Cochran R. (1998-1999). Model State Computer Crimes (MSCC) [En red]. Disponible electrónicamente en:

    Di Segni, Yaara.(June 1997). Flame Wars, Flooding, Kicking and Spamming: Expressions of Agression in the Virtual Community [En red]. 
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    Dibbell, J. 1993. "A Rape In Cyberspace" [En red]. 
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    Halonen, J. & Santrock, J. (1996). Psychology: context of behavior (2nd ed): Brown & Benchmark.

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    Kennedy, T. (1996). Niagara Regional Information Site for Women [En red].
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    Mackinon, R. (Oct,1996). Punishing the Persona: Correctional Strategies for the Virtual Offender [En red]. 
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    Mackinon, R. (1996) Virtual Rape [En red].
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    Nunes, M. (1995). Sex, States, and Nomads: Comments on Julian Dibbell's "A Rape in Cyberspace" [En red].
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    Robb, K.(1999).People Against Net Abuse and Sexual Harrasment (PANASH) [En red].Disponible electrónicamente en: