Get the true facts about different type of Citizen Band / 11 Meter antennas!
Last update: Sunday, 7-Jan-2001 23:02:43 EST Updated!
Hello, this site is dedicated to bringing true information about the different
types of antennas you can use, buy and build for Citizen Band Radio and 11 Meter DXing. From
concept to construction, I have
set out to provide the most technically correct information possible.
It contains information from antenna basics to advanced antenna
theories such as the angle of radiation.
I believe that it is not necessary to have great knowledge of electric fundamentals
to understand how an antenna works. I have included tons of figures so that you
can see what I am talking about! This site should be of interest to
all CB users and 11 meter DXers because the station
antenna provides the most improvement in station performance (even more
so than an amplifier) when it is built correctly.
I decided to do this after all the info I read at antenna manufactures
web sites. They all try to sell you their antenna. On one site I read
says top loaded mobile antennas are the best, even better than base loaded.
Then you read the web site of a company that makes base load mobiles only
to find out base loaded are the best. Good thing is, I am not trying
to sell you an antenna. Most of these web pages (and ad's in magazines)
are done by the advertising department, not by the antenna engineers. And
those advertised gain numbers are not regulated by any government agency! If you
are looking for quick answers, frequently asked
questions, this is not the place to start reading. I recommend reading it
all, so that you get all the important concepts.
Another reason I decided to this page is lack of good information on the web about antennas in general.
Everyone has a "resource" site with a 1000 dead links to antennas manufacture
pages....but no one has any real content. So here is my attempt at it!
If there are any section
that you would like to see added, let me know. For further reading
This page has to be viewed at a resolution greater than 800x600. I am
sorry if you can not turn up the resolution any higher than 800x600, but I had
to make the figures big enough to show detail clearly. You know your resolution
is too small if you have to scroll out to read the end of each line in the
sections (not this page, however). Click HERE for
instructions on how to turn the resolution up in Windows 95/98/NT.
I have moved to New York, and no longer am able to
have a CB antenna. I was going to work on a section for limited space, apartment
indoor antennas but after I did some expiramenting, I decided it wasn't worth
it. When I tried running a indoor antenna there was simply too much RF in my
apartment for me to live with. It was killing everything electrical in
my apartment, including crashing my computer!
Update : Update : Update : Update : Update : Update : Update
I have made updates to the "coax basics" section and the "mobile antenna" section. I will
be putting up information on Yagi building with a dimensions calculators. Stay tuned!
I am back on the air! I have assembled a decent mobile setup. You can catch me on my commutes
to work and around town. In Febuary, some friends and I are planning a trip to a local mountain
that rises about 1000 feet above the surrounding landscape. We will be taking a 4 element quad
and running about 25 watts PEP. More details as the DX trip draws near!
- Scott, 2 Romeo Papa 789
Antenna Basics
Where to start reading if you are not really familiar with antenna
basics such as radiation resistance, SWR, antenna bandwidth and polarization.
Even if you have heard of these terms, read on to get a better understanding
of all the essential fundamental antenna subjects. Discussion on the different
type of antennas will use terminology explained here.
Coax Basics
Information about coaxial cable. Wonder why changing the your coax length
changes the SWR of your antenna? Subjects such as impedance
and velocity factor will be explained.
Antenna Types
Details the most common types of antennas used on 11 meters. Different types
of omnidirectional and beams are covered and explains which design most
common commercial CB antennas use. This is the section to read if you do not
want to build your own antenna but figure out which commercial design best
suites you. Make sure you read the "Hybrid" section if you own a Moonraker (or
any beam with a quad reflector) for
an important note.
Mobile Antennas
Explains mobile antenna basics.
Performance Tips
Four ways to improve your stations performance greatly.
- Co-Phase your antennas for 3db more gain
- Circular Polarize your dual polarity beam for solid DX contacts
- Angle of Radiation, Match the height of your antenna to the distance you are trying to communicate
- Really Ground that radio for improved receiver performance!
Antenna Building
Build your own optimized DX antenna. Not for the faint of heart. Now includes
a JavaScript Calculator to fully automate designing the antenna for the frequency you
talk on!