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I was blind and could not see. One day I opened my eyes and saw the stars in the sky.(Dea)
I was deaf and could not hear.
One day my head shook and the sound of the waves crashing
brought new breath to me. (buttrfly)
I was frozen and could not feel.
One day I opened my heart and felt the winds of love blowover me. (Eala)
I had a dream and it came true.My heart was overwhelmed. (Dea)
And I realized that life had so much more to give.
From this day on I can see and I can hear.
Now the world makes much more sense to me. (moonchild1)
Now I thank the Goddess and God each day, for each breath I take.
I have found Friends, love, laughter, and life.(Dea)
Now, I can see the beauty in the world.
Within all living things, great and small.
Do you see it? Do you feel it?
Stop, listen, feel, see.
Look within,The Goddess and God are there, deep within
waiting, waiting for you to see, feel, or hear.(moonchild1)
Every night, I thank the Lady & Lord for another amazing day
Every morning, I first thank them again for a new beginning,
A new chance to see, feel, touch everything in maybe a new way.(Lady RedWolfe)
My eyes closed again and I found that I am Human.
I didn't like relearning that old valued lesson
to look before I leap.
I found that I was blessed with a big Mouth.
I have been reminded By the Goddess to use it wisely,
For a big mouth can get meinto trouble. Sigh.
Now I shall be more humble...
What an old lesson I have re-learned.(Dea)
The immortal light of the silver moon fills me,
The light encompasses and links all of Creation,
The Circle turns and I turn with it,
I smile with a new found inner peace. (Rowan SilverWolf)

This poem was written by a lovely bunch of people who belong to the Moonfire Coven Mailing list

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Fox teaches us about feminine magic, Those with active fox medicine can often see Spirit and the beings "between worlds". If this is an ability that you'd like to develop, practice at twilight and call upon fox energy to help you.

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