Praise is found at least 294 times in the Bible. When God did something
good for his people they always praied him. Four times in Psalm 107 the
statement is made, "O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness,
and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" (Vs. 8,15,21,31)
To praise is to glorify, to express approval of in a laudatory form.
When Jesus was born the heavenly host praised God in the presence of
shephards. (Lk. 2:13) When the shephards had visited Jesus they "returned,
glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and
seen, as it was told unto them." (Lk. 2:20) After the apostles had seen
Jesus ascend unto heavenand while they were waiting for the coming of
the Holy Spirit it is said that they "were continually in the temple
praising and blessing God." (Lk. 24:53) The thousands that obeyed the
gospel on Pentecost day continued steadfastly in worship, in teaching,
and in love. In Acts2:47 we read, "Praising God, and having favor with
all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should
be saved." When people laud and magnify God because of his wonderful
blessings other people are interested in what they have. We need to praise
God today.
  1.Things that would not be to the praise of God:
    A} Shouting "PRAISE GOD!" every other word as sort of a catalyst to
       stir up people emotionally. Vain repetitions or just saying words
       with no rhyme or reaseon was never in God's plan for man. He is
       not the author of confusion, (I Cor. 15:33) , but expects man to
       worship in decency and in order. (I Cor. 14:40)
    B} Commending ourselves is not praising God either. "But he that
       glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. For not he that commendeth
       himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth." (2 Cor. 10:17,18)
    C} Criticizing our brethren is not praising God. "Speak not evil one
       of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and
       judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the
       law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law,
       but a judge." (James 4:11) If we can encourage one another we make
       one another better so let's learn to commend and not criticize.
    D} We do not praise God if we go around miserable all the time. We
       need to rejoice in the Lord and be a happy people. Happiness
       attracts people. No one wants to be around a miserable person.
    E} We do not praise God by holding to human doctrines. Doctrines of
       men make our worship in vain. (Mat. 15:9)  God wants us to humble
       ourselves to His commands as found in the gospel so that "no flesh
       should glory in his presence" but that "he that glorieth, let him
       glory in the Lord." (I Cor. 1:18-31)
  2.How to praise God:
    A} In singing songs that honor and extol his name. "Let us offer the
       sacrifice of praise.. giving thanks to his name." (Heb. 13:15)
       "Is any merry? let him sing psalms." (James 5:13) The revised
       version renders this "sing praise."  We need to sing with grace
       in our hearts to the Lord. (Col. 3:16) Nothing can praise God
       more than to sing with a joyful heart to him.
    B} We praise God in our prayers. In everything we need to give God
       thanks.(I Thes. 5:17,18) The Lord wants to hallow His name and
       to give Him the glory and praise which we are to do in our prayers.
    C} We praise God by taking the Lord's supper in the right attitude
       of mind and heart. We need to discern the Lord's body as we eat
       the bread and discern the Lord's blood as we partake of the cup.
    D} We praise God by praying for and encouraging our brethren. "I thank
       my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given
       you by Jesus Christ." (I Cor. 1:4) They are his precious children
       and He wants all of them to remain faithful, to serve Him, and
       to grow in their talents to do their very best in His service.
    E} We praise God by showing in our deeds the love we have for our
       needy fellow men. "My little children, let us not love in word,
       neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth." (I John. 3:18)
       Also, "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all
       men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
       (Gal. 6:9,10)  F} We praise God by being good fathers and mothers
       in the home, by being faithful husbands and wives, and by being
       good obedient children who are doing all we can to enhance the
       family name. (Tit. 2:4,5; Eph. 5:25-25; 6:1-3)
    G} We praise God by being a good example as lights in the world,
      (Mat. 5:16), and by teaching His word to the lost. (Mk. 16:15)
       PRAISE GOD!!

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