There are those who were never taught to beware of the Tremere. So for you mortals and kindred alike here is our Legacy:
Tremere are unique, our history is short but yet extensive. Our founder was not one of Caine's childen, at least not
directly for the original Tremere clan did not have the use of Thaumaturgy. In the Romanian mountains, a district known as
Transylvania, a group of magi were embraced by the clan leader. The newly born vampyres used their new powers with their
old and quickly came up with the new discipline. They turned on their leader and took control of the clan, some say they also
diablerized the clan elders as well.
By far the most organized clan is the Tremere, now based in Vienna. The highest rank of them is Tremere, though no one
really knows where he is, or at least they're not letting on about it. The second in command is the clan elders, known as the
council of seven. Each controlling their own area of the world. Clan loyalty is of the upmost importance, anything else
means death. The other clans distrust our clan the most, because of our unnatural formation. That and no one really knows
how powerful we really are.
Auspex: is a discipline that allows extrasensory awareness, everything seen, or heard is magnified. But be wary to what you
see and hear. A loud noise in the distance can be heard clearly, but a loud noise right next to you can make you go deaf. As
well as starring into a halogen lamp would promote blindness and some damage.
Heightened Senses - All five of your senses are magnified. Conversations across the room could be heard without a problem,
considering that the room is fairly quiet. Good luck trying to hear anything in a club.
Aura Perception - You can see the aura of other things. What mood they're in. Also you can find out if they are a diabolist, their
aura's have black veins running through them, this is something to consider.
The Spirit's Touch - By picking up a object you can tell who the last person or maybe persons were, and what they did with
it the last couple of moments they owned the item. I bet Colombo could of used this little trick. But who knows... maybe...
he did!
Telepathy - You can use this to read people, as well as vamps minds. You hear their thoughts as if they were telling you themselves.
Psychic Projection - This enables your mind to go where no body has gone before. Well your mind goes but your body doesn't.
Your body is left in the state of torpor while, your mind goes where you please. But of course you have limitations, and you
can not go where the sun shines. And you also have no clue what is happening to your body. Be careful you may lose it!
Dominate - Is capable of letting you control the mind and body of humans, and vamps alike. The draw back on vamps is that
other vamps could also control you. And like any thing else, the Elders can not be dominated, but the Elders can Dominate the
Command the Wearied Mind - You can give a one word command, and it will be obeyed instantly. It must be simple and to
the point. Stuff like jump, run, sit, and maybe even fart. Ok so that's pushing it.
Mesmerize - This allows you to plant a suggestion into the unconscious mind. It can happen immediately, or you can wait for
a certain event to activate it.
The Forgetful Mind - This lets you create, steal, or erase a memory. A lot of trouble can be caused with this. If you try to
trash a memory, but instead it was just a short laps of memory. Well let's just say, you may not live very long.
Conditioning - After a while you can condition your victims to become resistant to other vampires Domination. It can take
weeks, months, and for the strongest of wills maybe years. After they are conditioned their free will and creativity is almost
destroyed and usually just obey orders.
Possession - This power can take complete control over your target, mind and body. It's like a remote controlled toy, except
they have better control than a toy race car.
Thaumaturgy - Is blood magic and the Tremere seldomly get the chance to learn it. Though there are many
different paths, all know the Path of Blood.
A Taste for Blood - With the touch of the blood, one can tell how much blood that vampire has left, when and what that
vampire fed on last, and an approximate generation.
Blood Rage - With but a touch, a vampire can make another vampire use it's blood uncontrollably, possibly even to the point
of torpor.
Blood of Potency - A vampyre can decrease their generation with this power, but only for a matter of hours.
Theft of Vitae - A mystical blood transfusion, taking the blood of another vampire and adding it to your own.
Cauldron of Blood - This is a very cruel act to inflict upon a vampyre, it causes the vampyre's blood literally to burn,
damaging them greatly. Of course, if used on a human, means instant death.
Many other paths are for the learning, and many more have yet to be made. There are to many to mention, but here are a few
Weather Control - The name speaks for itself but, the more adept one is with this discipline the stronger the effects.
Lure of Flames - The manipulation of the thing that vampire's fear most, fire.
Movement of the Mind - The movement of objects without physically touching them. One advanced enough in this art can
even lift themselves.
As for myself, I possess and have mastered all these skills.. SO BEWARE!
My favorite author is Stephen King.
I read comic books, my favorite is Witchblade
When Night is Falling is my favorite movie.
My favorite recording artist is Michael Franks
I'm into astrology, my birth sign is
My ascending sign is
I do a little writng myself, poems & short stories,
if you are interest just follow the link.Mystery Date
These poems & stories aren't for prudes!
My favorite poet is e.e. cummings
I love to go to topless bars.
Strippers are the best entertainment in the world!