The Devon Sawa Fan Club was created to simply honor our friend Devon Sawa. As you are well aware, by now, everyone here has worked very hard to provide you with as much information as possible.

As the Advisor to the DSFC™ it is my responsiblity to maintain a working order to the club. Also I make sure that everything is running smoothly and provide information when needed. Currently I am in the procces of changing my America Online screen name and therefore Blaeckman@aol.com has been changed to my university account or my Advisor account.

If you have any questions reguarding the Fan Club in an administrative aspect, please feel free to contact me.

Temporary Snail Mail Address

3212 Valley Grove Rd.
Charlotte NC 28227-6646

This is the TEMPORARY address for real mail for the DSFC™. Please do not send vulgar mail as it will be discarded. We appreciate your support and hope to hear from you soon!

Attention Devon Fans!

There is a great deal of interest in the making of a fan club for Devon Sawa. His agency and publicists will have a hard time choosing between several independent clubs. They may even decide to try to keep the one they made in Vancouver. If we join together as one united, Devon Sawa Fan Club™, then we will be stronger than all the other clubs. Write now to voice you vote and opinion to join the individual clubs. We must stick together to be one club if we are going to have an official club for Devon Sawa.

We wish the best for our future director!

This pages is always getting better!

Many people think it is strang to spend so much time trying to make someone else look better. It is strange. Most people today spend so much time worrying about themselves and only themselves that they dismiss everyone else. If we spend more time being nicer to other people, we would be a much happier people, but now as I get down off this soapbox: More about why you came here.

Thanks for coming.

This page is modified every few days.

Remember that the DSFC is an international organization. Write or email us from anywhere you may be. Also tell all your friends to join the DSFC!