While on work assignment is the US, I have the opportunity to meet several well known individuals. Here are a couple of them, whom I managed to take photo with.



John Dobson is the founder of the dobsonian design in amateur telescope making. He is also famous by bringing astronomy to the public by organizing observation session along busy intersection in San Francisco with his San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomer.

I met John Dobson twice while I was in the US. The photo above was from the first meeting on 17 November 1999 at California State University where he gave a talk to the Sacramento Astronomy Club members. I met him again three years later at his talk to the Rose City Astronomy Club in Portland, Oregon.



Richard Berry is an author. He wrote many books such as Making Your Own Telescopes and CCD cookbook, which taught people how to make CCD camera.

I met Richard Berry while I was attending a CCD imaging conference in Salem, Oregon in 2002. He was one of the presenter.