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since December 24, 1997
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ALEXIA is one of my favorite top euro-dance astists. Since the times with ICE MC, she had
one of the best voices in the business...and still does. Pouring out hits, like the breakthrough hit, ME AND YOU,
that came out in 1995. The song, which included the background vocals of DOUBLE YOU, became a hit in 1996. After
releasing her first album as a soloist, out from the ICE MC era, three single hits accompanied the success of ME AND YOU...
SUMMER IS CRAZY, NUMBER ONE, and UH LA LA LA. Plus there are others that I personally like, VIRTUAL REALITY is one. I hope she continues
solo recordings of her awesome voice accompanied by danceable euro beats and extend her list of hits. Here is an excerpt quoted from Alexia out of the DWA Recordings Site...
My friends, my name is Alexia. I was born in La Spezia (Italy) on 19/05/67, under
the sign of Taurus. Since I was a child, I have always been very fond of singing and
music. For this reason my parents decided to allow me to compete in singing
contests, often in my own town. In this way my story began.
When I was in my teens, I started associating with a very popular musical group in
La Spezia, "I ragazzi di migliarina", with whom I stayed for many years, getting my
first experiences on stage. So, always singing, I reached 1985, the year of my
eighteenth birthday and the last year of high school. As soon as I was free from my
school exams, I dedicated myself to singing again. I spent many of those summer
evenings in that way. Not much time passed before I was invited to join a band
working in discos. This was the start of my professional career. My "culture" of Italian discos
became deeper and deeper, but I never forgot to study music and opera singing. I also formed a
group "Brother Machine", which has left me with wonderful memories. In that period I started
frequenting some important recording studios, among which that of Roberto Zanetti, my producer.
My great turning-point arrived in 1991, when I became the vocalist of "Ice MC". Together with the
group I toured all around the world, singing great international hits. Can you remember? I'm talking
about "Think About The Way", "It's A Rainy Day" and "Take Away The Colour". This job was very
important for me and I liked it very much, because it gave me the opportunity of visiting many foreign
countries. In the meantime, I never abandoned my great project: to compose my own songs.
At last that day arrived, after a lot of hard work, at the end of summer 1995. My first single "Me
And You" gave me the possibility of performing in an important tv show. After this first success,
"Summer Is Crazy" and "Number One" followed. These allowed me to be a guest performer in many
Italian and foreign discos.
I still love this job very much, even if it is really tiring. But i'm not
alone. In fact, two nice guys accompany me on stage. They are
Giancarlo and Manuel, my dancers. And now I want to reveal my
hopes for the future! My greatest wish is to interpret melodic
songs, one of these days, like those by Whitney Houston, whom I
adore listening to. I am also crazy about Warren G., TLC,
Jamiroquai and Jovanotti (I like his simplicity and sensitivity). I
started listening to music very early, so I also like old rock/pop
groups, such as Deep Purple and Queen. Thinking about Queen, I
think that their leader, Freddy Mercury, was one of the best singers
I have ever heard.
You'll have understood that I am so fond of music that I like to
follow it in the other arts, too. Have you ever seen films such as
"Sister Act 1" and "Sister Act 2"? And "New York New York"?
And "Amadeus"? I have seen them so many times that I can't
remember the exact number! In the cinema I have my favourites,
too: Whoopy Goldberg ("Sister Act") and Robert De Niro. But that is not all! Also among the new
generation (by now already stars) there are so many good actors. Who doesn't remember Winona
Rider ("Dracula") and the beautiful Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves? I love to spend my spare time
watching my favourite films over and over again. But I also like aerobics, jogging and body building.
Sport helps me to keep in shape both mentally and physically. I never miss the opportunity of doing
some stretching, wherever I am, even in my hotel room! When I have time (not very often), I like
cooking. Since I am very fond of oriental food, my favourite recipes are some Chinese and Thai
specialities. But I think that italian cooking is the best in the world! In fact I am crazy about
pizza!!!!!!! Joking apart, if you wish to know something else about me, I can go on........ For
example my favourite colour is sea-water green. It gives me a sense of freshness! My favourite
clothes are: track suits and when it comes to shoes: caterpillar boots and nikes.
I adore cats. I have three: chicca, vicky and mina, and we share a fabulous relationship. My nature is
very similar to theirs! Regarding my private life I have not much to say. Some day I would like to
have a big family, because children are marvellous. Or rather I would like to adopt a foreign child,
maybe Brazilian, because I have seen them and understand their urgent need of help. Yes, I am a
good-hearted, sensitive and sensible girl! Among my most treasured memories is my father,
Agostino, who has left me a great spiritual and interior wealth. Then, my first day at school, my first
party at a friend's home, the day when my father gave me my first car: an orange-coloured Citroen
Dyane! And when I passed my final exam at the conservatoire.
Of course I also have memories of my work, too. I shall never forget my first experience at
festivalbar! My most frequent nightmares are those in which I lose my voice in front of thousands of
people, or of falling down cliffs and ravines, but they only happen when I eat too much! I love
meeting up with my old friends, because together we have so many pleasant memories. I also love to
stay awake during the night, writing my songs! I get my inspiration from my life and feelings, which
makes the songs more real. Ciao and see you soon!