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This is a disclaimer!

This was sent to me from one of my west-coast pups!

I Love my master Thus I perfume myself with this long-rotten squirrel. I lie belly-up In the sunshine, happier than you will ever be. Today I sniffed Many dog butts -- I celebrate by kissing your face. I sound the alarm! Paperboy -- come to kill us all-- Look! Look! Look! I sound the alarm! Garbage man -- come to kill us all --Look! Look! Look! I sniff my leg and whiz on each bush. Hello, Spot -- sniff this and weep. How do I love thee? The ways are as numberless as my hairs on the rug. My human is home! I am so ecstatic I have made a puddle. I Hate my choke chain. Look, World, they strangle me! Ack,Ack,Ack,Ack,Ack! Sleeping here, my chin on your foot -- No greater bliss -- well, maybe catching cats. Look in my eyes and deny it. No human could love you as much as I do. The cat is not all bad, She fills the litter box with Tootsie Rolls. Dig under a fence --Why? Because it's there. Because it's there. Because .... I am your best friend, now, always, and Especially when you are eating. You may call them fleas, but they are far more than That --I call them a vocation. My owners' mood is Romantic -- I lie near their feet. I FART a big one.