CJ's Books

***updated 7/14/99***

LOTS of new books coming soon!

Misc. Books


Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Sixth Grade

Seventh Grade

Eighth Grade

Ninth Grade

Eleventh Grade


Macmillan Spanish reader Triunfos - probably used in an upper level
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Usborne Books-Looking for Usborne books? Kathleen offers a complete line of Usborne books always at a discount for homeschool families. Kathleen is having a "Thank You Sale" going on now until May 15 - Any title is 25% off with free book(s) and book mark(s) included. I have ordered from her and she is trustworthy. She has the capability to take credit cards (by phone). Be sure to tell her Cathy sent you! "Having an Usborne book in your home means you never stop learning". Usborne books are a wonderful tool to use with ALL learning styles.

All of these books are in excellant condition. Just email with your requests. I will hold any book for two weeks and will not ship until all checks have cleared. Shipping is NOT included in all prices as it depends on the weight of your books, where you live and how you want them shipped.

This is an excellant Christian site!

Many thanks to Helena for her grahics!
Leave me a message on my Answering machine!

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