Interesting Cicero Scholarship
- COSSARINI, A. "Bestia e belua in Cicerone",
GFF IV 1981 123-134.
- DORJAHN, A.F. & W.D. FAIRCHILD. "An Aspect of
Cicero's Greatness", CB LVIII 1982, 66-20.
- MALCOLM, D.A., "Quo usque tamen?" CQ XXIX 1979
219-220. In brief, the article argues that Cicero uses this complete
phrase only
once, in In Catilinam I, and probably was mockingly quoting
a characteristic phrase of Catiline.
- PHILLIPS, J.J. "Attiucs and the publication of
Cicero's works", CW LXXIX 1986.
- SKINNER, M. "The Contents of Caelius' pyxis",
CW LXXV 1982 243-245. In brief, the article argues that the pyxis
contained resin used by prostitutes for the removal of pubic hair.
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