Ballside: The side of the court that the ball is on.

Helpside: The side of the court that the ball is not on.

Conversion: The act of changing from offense to defense.

Deny: The technique of not allowing the offensive player to receive the ball.

Level of the Ball: This is an imaginary line that travels parallel straight across the court from one sideline through the ball to the other sideline.

In, Out, Up, Down: Diagram 16: This is directional terminology in reference to court positioning. This may sound simple but we want to make sure our players understand what we want if we tell them to "move in", "move out", "move up" and "move down."

Jump Back to the Ball: The technique of moving quickly toward the ball and the middle of the court on each pass.

Help: The technique of momentarily leaving your assigned man to help stop a penetration to the basket by a teammate's assigned man.

Recovery: The technique of returning to your assigned man after helping a teammate.

Taking the Charge: The act of the defender legally placing his body in the path of an offensive player (with or without the ball) and drawing contact that results in a foul on the offensive player.

Turnover: Any manner in which the offensive team loses possession of the ball other than by a shot attempt.

Triangle: The position of defenders off the ball. The points of the 'triangle' are: ball, defensive player and defensive player's assigned man. The farther the defender's man is from the ball, the farther the defender is from his man. The closer the defender's man is to the ball, the closer the defender is to his man.

When the defender is in his 'triangle' he will point the index finger of the hand nearest the ball toward the ball and point the index finger on the other hand at his man.

Flash: The act of an offensive player on the helpside breaking into the lane toward the ballside.

Close Out: The act of moving out to pick up an offensive player after that man has received the basketball.

Head Snap: A technique used by a defensive man denying his man the ball in the lane. As his man is moving toward the ballside. When his man cuts behind him and he can no longer see his man and the ball, the defender will keep his chest toward his man and 'snap' his head around so that he can again see his man and the ball.

Body Check: The technique of beating a cutter or a flashing opponent to a spot and drawing the charge if the offensive player continues his movement in the same direction.

Guard the Dribbler: Defined as guarding the man in the act of dribbling.

Playing the Dribble: Defined as guarding the man with the ball that has not used his dribble. The reason we use "Playing the Dribble" is that we want the defender to be ready to "Guard the Dribbler" and not get beat off the dribble because he is in an up position.

Pick Up Point: The area of the court that the defense will start picking up their assigned offensive players. In the "FIVE/ONE" this is normally at the three point line.

Nearest Man Rule: Occasionally, a defensive player gets screened completely out of the play or otherwise loses his man. If an open offensive player has the ball, the nearest defensive player must take him immediately. Unless, his doing so would leave his assigned man unguarded under the basket. The rule is to cover the man with the ball and depend on defensive teammates to cover for you on your assigned man.