The 4-H 2000 Club 
The 4-H 2000 Club is a community club that was
created in 1994 by Betty Kirkpatrick and some sixth graders at Stuart
Elementary School. It is associated with the
Patrick County Extension Program.
All members are currently in the tenth grade and attend
County High School. Members meet once a month and rotate offices
every three months. The majority of members are also a member of the
Patrick County 4-H Teen Board. Like other community clubs, the 2000
Club dedicates its time to helping the community and aiding those who
are in need.

Table of Contents
Beverly Beasley
Megan Daumen
Kristin Gregory
Stacey Hill
James Kirkpatrick
Dori Martin
Robbie McIntyre
Kelly Simpson
Melissa Vaught
Carol Beasley
Betty Kirkpatrick
- School Supply Drive
- Annually the club collects donations and supplies from different
businesses around the community. The club spends this money on
school supplies(pens, pencils, paper, etc.) for needy children in
the county. The club met on September 21st to prepare packages to
be sent to the elementary schools.
- "The Zombie"
- Megan made her debut performance as an actess in the play, "The
Zombie," sponsored by the Reynolds Homestead. Members of The 2000 Club
attended the performance on September 27th to help cheer her on.
- Pumpkin Carving
- The club met on October 26th to carve pumpkins to be donated to
various businesses around Patrick County. Pictures were taken using
a digital camera at this meeting. After the club finished carving
pumpkins, Mrs. Kirkpatrick showed the club how to view these pictures
on a computer.
- Power Point
- The club attended a demonstration of how to use and apply the
many features of Power Point 97. This demonstration was given by
Diane Hughes, a business teacher at Patrick County High School.
- Home Alone Dinner
- On Wednesday, November 26th, some members of the club helped serve
meals at the annual Home Alone dinner. The dinner is for needy
families and people in the community who may not be able to prepare
themselves a large Thanksgiving feast.
- Christmas Cheer
- Every year the club sponors a needy family in the community. The
club provides the children with Christmas presents, clothes, toys, etc.
- Ding-a-ling!!
- Despite the cold weather, the club rings bells for the Salvation
Army every year in front of Lowes' Foods in December. This year, the
club rang bells on Tuesday, December 23. Members alternated
shifts every hour beginning at 11:00 am.
- Stocking Stuffers
- Last year, members brought in stocking stuffers to send to
residents at the local nursing home. Items have again been collected
this year and sent to the Blue Ridge Nursing Home. The stocking
stuffers were delievered on Tuesday, December 23.
- Share the Fun
- The Patrick County 4-H Share the Fun Talent Show was held on
Saturday, February 21 at 7:00 pm. The club sold refreshments during
intermission. Congratulations to Melissa for advancing to state!
The show was directed by Teen Board
members Kristin Hylton, Jessica Mabe, Gail Stone, and Sarah Taylor.
Overall winners were: Senior division, Becky Breen (flute), Jennifer
McKinney (piano), and Sarah Taylor (vocals), combination; "My Heart
Will Go On." Junior division, Brandi Cote, gymnastics; "Lollipop."
Other acts moving to state competition; Dana Trent (vocal), Melissa
Vaught (Vocal), Chasity Meadors (dance), Lindsey Bryant, Erin Hill,
Christel Humphrey, and Amy Kornett (dance).
- Upcoming: Recycle
- The club has made plans to create and star in their own recycling
video for Patrick County. This is a contest sponsored by the Patrick County
Board of Supervisors.
- Skiing
- The 4-H 2000 Club and Patrick Couty 4-H Teen Board have made plans
to go on a ski trip this February. No exact date has been set as of
yet. The clubs will be going to Winterplace, WV for a day full of fun,
excitement, and snow!
- Rock Climbing
- The club went rock climbing on Sunday, November
30th. Afterwards the club went to see the lights at Tanglewood Park
in Winston-Salem, NC. After seeing the festival of lights, the club
went out for supper before returning home.
- Ice Skating
- If time and weather permit, the club will hopefully be going ice
skating this winter at the LJVM Coliseum in Winston-Salem, NC.
- Feb. ?? - Ski Trip
- Feb. 14-15 - Winter Cloverbud Camp
- Feb. 21 - County Share the Fun Talent Show
- Apr. 4 - 4-H Family Celebration
- May 1 - County Fashion Revue
- June 16-19 - 4-H VA State Congress
- July 13-17 - 4-H Camp

This page was designed by bbeasley@swva.net
Last updated February 27, 1998