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About Target:

Chile: The primigenous TARGET system was developed in Chile and was called ARCO, running until today. After its implementation, in 1988 the IMF certified a 10.9% of VAT evasion rate, very unusual in South America and similar to European standards (sic) (Carlos Silvani IMF Report, June 1988)
HONDURAS: SAFE was developed in the first ARCO version for PCs network. The tax adnministration got in 1991 a 1.600% of audit production increase (CIAT Technical Conference annals 1992)
ECUADOR: ARCOE was developed as a first version of ARCO running on a RDBMS. In 1995 the Ecuadorian Tax Oficce reported the fulfillment of a Tax modernization Loan goal: 1% increase in the national Tax Collection/GDP ratio and an improvement of 4,9 times the auditors productivity after the implementation of the audit system. (DGI Report,February 1995)
COLOMBIA: SICAT(TARGET) was the first client-server version of the original ARCO software enhanced to the whole audit decision making chain. The developed software yielded a 280% increase in the Tax Audit production in 1996 DIAN 1996 Report, february 1997
HUNGARY: Currently being developed as TARGET. (Incl. Copyright License)

TARGET is available in Spanish, English and Hungarian Languages