It's true!!! Cop A Feel hate's your friggin' guts, especially if your a goth! In fact, if your one of those swoony depressed vampires reading this, there's a good chance Cop A Feel has already beaten you up, anyone remember? Well, on with the history.

Cop A Feel began, years ago, as a result of boredom and way to pick up "chicks" and get free beer. It all started on a summer night as the future bassist (we'll call him Tike Mrapanier)and guitarist (Gndy Aammon) were sitting down town, as they usually did back then. "Tike" mentioned to "Gndy" that he had a drum set and a guitar and a bass at his home because his dad played a lot of music. He asked "Gndy" if he new how to play an instrument, and he said "No, of couse not!" "Tike" didn't know how to either. Well then it was settled, they were going to form a band!

It was then decieded that thier good friend Maul Paggro was going to sing, as he was just released from a two month sentence in prison for assault. Yes, he would make a fine singer they thought. But wait, they needed a drummer. That didn't come for a few more nights until the boys were at a show. They met up with thier good friend and asked him if he new how to play the drums. "No, not really" said Fayny Rorster. Great news indeed, he was recuited as the drummer.

So, the band was already to go. The name "Cop a Feel" came up at a party as the band were "eyeballing" some party guests of the "female persuation". Every thing from there on is history!! They're shows included table and chair smashing, food throwing, robbing pub owners of thier liquor and beer, belching, beating up goths and more violence in general! Cop A Feel was banned from every bar and pub in the city of Windsor and had been arrested for numerous charges at over a dozen shows. The best show I ever attended, was thier first show. The owner (we'll call him Calbert Ham Hee) of the bar walked on stage and shut them off after only 15 minutes! Of course the band kicked the crap out of him and continued playing. It was also the first time the band went to jail.

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About Goths have had their heads crushed by Cop A Feel