Corydoras Corner- "Where the real cory dewlls"

Welcome To:

Welcome to the site that is dedicated to all the Corys and Cory lovers of this world. Originating from the Amazon River and its tributaries, here comes the fish that has dominated the catfish business for years (And more to come!). My friends, I give you C.J.! C.J. is Cory Jockey, which is me! I will bring you into the world of the Corydoras, and since I have worked so hard on bringing this site to you, I hope you will enjoy it! A trip to the Cory Gallery is a must see! C.J. advises you to start at Introduction.
Population: As many corys as you want!
Bon Voyage!
P.S. This page is far from finished, so check it out any time you want!
Tours to Cory World

Introduction- A minute introduction to the provocative world of the cory
Identifying Corys- How to tell Corys apart from other fish
Habits of Corys- Understanding the habits of Corys
Keeping Corys- Keeping your Corys with ease
Breeding Corys- Breeding your Corydoras catfish
Diseases of Corys- Treating your beloved corys for disease and preventing it
Cory Species- Discussing the species
Cory Louvre- The gallery of Corys
Enjoy your trip!