List of Songs: (click on song you want to see)

                                       You've Got To Stand For Something

                                        I Wonder How Far It Is Over You

                                  There Ain't Nothing Wrong With The Radio

                                                        Everything I Own


                                        by Aaron Tippin/Buddy Brock

                             Now Daddy didn't like trouble, but if it came along
                           Everyone that knew him knew which side that he'd be on
                              He never was a hero, or this county's shinin' light
                                 But you could always find him standing up
                                     For what he thought was right


                      He'd say you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything
                           You've got to be your own man not a puppet on a string
                          Never compromise what's right and uphold your family name
                          You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything

                         Now we might have been better off or owned a bigger house
                         If Daddy had done more givin' in or a little more backing down
                               But we always had plenty just living his advice
                           Whatever you do today you'll have to sleep with tonight


                       Now I know that things are different than they were in Daddy's days
                           But I still believe what makes a man really hasn't changed



                                        By Aaron Tippin/Buddy Brock

                         I parked my car beside the highway and I didn't lock the doors
                        Left a note there with the keys if it cranks, well friend, she's yours
                           And I struck out across Texas, gonna walk it line to line
                        Now I'm halfway 'cross New Mexico, but you're still on my mind
                          And this road that's going nowhere just leads me on and on
                             As I ask myself with every step will I ever be alone


                                   I wonder just how far it is over you
                               Is there no place I go that you don't come too
                              When I left Tennessee, I thought we were through
                                  Now I wonder how how it is over you

                             I was deep in California when I finally made a friend
                           And it was me and that old hobo till you showed up again
                              Then he ran out of liquor and I've run out of time
                            I'm standing by the ocean, but you're still on my mind
                            And I'm staring at the water so blue and deep and wide
                            Bet a man could lose a memory over on the other side


                         I parked my car beside the highway and I didn't lock the doors
                        Left a note there with the keys if is cranks, well friend, she's yours


                                        by Aaron Tippin/Buddy Brock

                                 Sometimes she runs, sometimes she don't
                             More than once she's left me on the side of the road
                                   The older she gets the slower we go
                                But there ain't nothin' wrong with the radio
                                She needs a carburetor, a set of plug wires
                                 She's ridin' me around on four bald tires
                               The wipers don't work and the horn don't blow
                                But there ain't nothin' wrong with the radio


                               I've got sixteen speakers crossin' my back dash
                                A little bobbin' dog watchin' everybody pass
                                   Dual antennas whippin' in the wind
                             Lord, there ain't a country station that I can't tune in
                                 She ain't a Cadillac and she ain't a Rolls
                                But there ain't nothin' wrong with the radio

                                   I got stopped by a cop late last night
                                    Out-of-date tags and no tail lights
                              He said I oughta run you in but I'm lettin' you go
                              Because there ain't nothin' wrong with your radio
                                 I got the best lookin' gal in my hometown
                                  I asked her last time that i took her out
                             Honey, tell me what it is that makes you love me so
                              She said there ain't nothin' wrong with your radio


                                No, she ain't a Cadillac and she ain't a Rolls
                                But there ain't nothin' wrong with the radio


                              I can't shower you with pearls and diamond rings
                                   All I can give are dances in the rain
                                     I can't cover you in satin sheets
                                       But you'll be just as warm
                                        Wrapped up each night
                                        Inside my loving arms


                                I can never lay the world down at your feet
                                         The moon and stars
                                    will always be beyond my reach
                                   All I have is one true heart that beats
                                        For you and you alone
                                     You can have everything I own

                                I can't promise you the life that money buys
                                    But I can promise you a richer life
                                    There's places you may never see
                                      But one thing you can know
                                         I'll be there with you
                                        Wherever we don't go

                                        REPEAT CHORUS