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New bridge facts Project began on November 1, 1997. Completion date is September 15, 2000. Cost for construction is $15,889,397. The contractor is Kiewit Pacific Company of Vancouver, Washington. Total cost is $18.3 million. The project is 1.41 miles long, which includes the bridge and approaches. The bridge will be a reinforced concrete arch span. It is located 300 feet east of the existing bridge. It will be 535 feet long and 79 feet wide, with four travel lanes, shoulders and bike lanes, and a median. The gorge is approximately 300 feet deep at this location. The average daily traffic count on the existing bridge is 8,800 vehicles. A citizen’s advisory committee assisted in the design of the new bridge. The committee included historians, artists and others interested in the new bridge: Keith Clark, Redmond; Keith Claycomb, Portland; Mary Anne Ebbs, Bend; Lewis L. McArthur, Portland; Ward Tonsfeldt, Bend; Bruce West, Portland; and Dwight Smith, ODOT cultural resources specialist, Salem. David Goodyear Engineering Services, Olympia, WA, designed the bridge. ODOT administered the design process.

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