CROCO - second fight _________________ Stats... Area: Coal Mines HP: 750 Attack: 52 Defense: 50 Magic: 27 M. Defense: 50 Items: Bambino Bomb Weak against Fire Strong against Electricity ____________________ Croco's learned some new tricks since you last saw him, but he's still not grotesquely tough. This time, start with a Super Jump, clash of the Cymbols, and a Beam courtesy of Geno. It gets fairly hard once he steals your items about halfway through. Try to predict this with a Psychopath (Ooh! He's good!) and juice up your FP beforehand. After this, use mainly attacks. The Geno Beam is good occasionally (I have no idea why, since it's electric), Mario's specials aren't worth the FP, and Mallow's Thunderbolt doesn't even get past his top-hat. Keep this up and retrieve your goods. Best Party: Mario |Level 7 |Punch Glove, Mega Shirt, Jump Shoes Mallow |Level 7 |Cymbals, Mega Pants, Wake Up Pin Geno |Level6/7|Finger Shot, Mega Cape, Fearless Pin